MovieChat Forums > Nope (2022) Discussion > Great movie....until the third act *Spoi...

Great movie....until the third act *Spoilers*

Honestly I was really digging this movie for the first 2/3rd's, but when it was revealed that the UFO was just an animal and it didn't really go beyond that it was very underwhelming. I was expecting a much better and crazier reveal for how much time it spent building up the mystery and suspense for it just to be THAT. I also didn't care for how it just became a goofy old school western in the last 20 minutes. The film worked a lot better when it was doing an equal mix of western/sci-fi horror/mystery balanced.


That didnt bother Me as much as the wacky Jaws like ending


Yeah I didn't like how it just became a straight up goofy old school western in the last 10 minutes and then it ended really abruptly as soon as they defeated the animal.


ending really reminded me of Tremors...baiting monsters until they blow up.




Very much felt Tremors-esque


What, you don't like monster movies? This was a great entry into the monster movie genre. I think it was well done in every way.


It was really good, but a little backstory about the creature usually accompanies a good monster story too.


The creature had just eaten and was looking for a new place to graze. It dumps peoples stuff right after a large meal and that's how the story starts, with the debris killing the dad. I thought that was enough of a backstory for me.

Hitchcock never explained why the birds were mad but that doesn't make it a bad "monster" movie.


I literally said it was really good, I just pointed out one flaw. This is nothing like a Hitchcock film, and the Birds isn't a monster movie, so that's an odd comparison.


No need to be defensive, it's just a conversation...

And hence "monster" in quotes. It fits in with the genre while not being an actual monster.


People get defensive when someone takes someone else's words and completely flips them, which it seemed you did by defending it from being a "bad movie", which I didn't imply it was in the slightest. If it's just a misinterpretation of intent, my apologies. I think of the birds as an environmental horror. More like The Happening...but good.


For me when it turned into a giant parachute that is where I was taken out of what was otherwise a pretty good movie. It should have kept its shape, or at least at lot less like rows of cloth, cause it looked like a cheap hollywood prop and not something... otherworldly.

Kids in the barn, the Gordy sequence & the 40 people mass abduction and then eaten were disturbingly awesome.

7/10 I'd say.


I liked the movie a lot but agree 100% about the parachute.


Yeah I didnt understand that. I thought it was injured during that period and it seemed to have trouble sucking things up but I wasnt sure why that was happening.


It was injured/angry from eating the barbed wire fence.


Those three scenes were worth the price of admission
