MovieChat Forums > Old (2021) Discussion > Is it streaming somewhere? Waiting is no...

Is it streaming somewhere? Waiting is no fun.

And theaters are still death traps so no use going there...
Ah, it already. No need to see it anymore.


LOL. Just go to the theater, bro.

I've been many times since the pandemic started, most recently for Quiet Place II and F9. I'm still alive. I think it's likely that everyone else who was in there with me still is to.


Possibly. Only the elder people they met haven't all survived.


Don't be a snowflake, you'll be fine. Your family will also be fine, stop letting the media ruin your life..


The media isn't causing COVID-19 but the virus (SARS-CoV-2) is. Wash your hands often. Keep distance to others (at least 1.5 meters/5 feet) and stay home as much as possible.


No thanks and gyf


The media isn't telling the truth though. Remember a few months ago they were telling us how the Delta variant was more contagious but not nearly as deadly. Given the percentage of the population that died in India was lower than the percent that died in the US it made sense... of course now that the vaccination manufacturers have created a booster the media has now started babbling about how deadly the delta variant is... well it wasn't deadly 3 months ago and the reality is it isn't anymore deadly today than it was then. Do yourself a favor and stop watching the news or reading anything about the virus.


That is not a bad idea. However, please do get vaccinated.


No need for any vaccine, I already had the virus and got my antibodies the old fashioned way.


You want to watch it before it even comes out at cinemas? Who do you think you are, dude (or chick?) How are all those people who worked so hard to produce this movie supposed to be paid?


How can you not be aware of streaming services?.


I am, but asking to watch it before it even comes out is too much.


It was already released in some countries dude..



No need: 86" OLED with surround sound system.
And if he makes a happy end where people escape then he just wasted a lot of effort.



Ok, so 18 days. I just read the comic and also the movies entire plot. It is not a good movie. I won't watch it.



and also the movies entire plot....



I won't spoil it for you but the movie is bad. Anyway, have fun. Cinemagoing is rarely for the quality of a movie only.



Pfft! Only 86" LED? Weak. Try 200", that's where its at.


Why spend more than $7500 on a tv?


i got the vaccine


That won't protect the people you can infect.


i also wear a mask


Still not advisable to exchange breath with many strangers for two hours in an enclosed room.


you get the vaccine?


Of course


Not his problem.


So get vaccinated, pussy.


You can still be a carrier when you're vaccinated.


So? You carry all kinds of stuff around with you.


Are you a cuck bro? well, if you are stop it, dont be a cuck. Cucks are not cool but lame. And stopping from going to theaters out of fear from a virus is a very cuck thing to do


Sharing your experience with this cuck thing must be your coping mechanism our something? Just tell your mom that you don't like watching her with others or whatever the fuck your problem is.


Dude you are scare of dying if you breathe the same air the rest of the world breathe, that is the most cuck and fag shit i ever read, dont pretend to bring that on me with your weak ass response


It's basic risk assessment. But you won't do that and I have no problem with that.


On a side note, it's just depressing how weak and feeble we've become. Grown men walking around outside with masks on, believing this flu is on the same level as polio or smallpox. Come on guys, pull your pants up and chin up.


Outside with masks on? That's not necessary unless there's heavy smog or you have a cold or something and don't wish to infect others.
But don't mistake COVID-19 for a flu. It has far nastier effects.
All and all it's not masculine to take unnecessary risks, just cool sometimes. If you want to stick your dick in a girl every now and then you should realize that and not be misogynistically excluding about behavior.


not be misogynistically excluding about behavior.

Yeah, fag confirmed, not men with a normal level of testosterone would ever use the word "misogynistically"


How about nincompoop?
