Agreed, we've seen two Kangs so far, and I wasn't impressed with either of them. The writers can try all they want by making Loki afraid of him, but he was still a goofy villain with no presence whatsoever. Ant-Man 3 did a marginally better job in that its Kang was more serious, but despite boasting about killing hundreds of Avenger variants, he still got beat by two D-listers. Lame. I have no faith whatsoever that future Kang variants will be any better. After dealing with the Council of Ricks and the Council of Lois Lanes, I'm not holding my breath that the Council of Kangs will somehow upstage Thanos. I'm so over the council trope.
Thanos had a great design, great writing, and a great actor in Josh Brolin, and the hype after Avengers 1 was real. MCU Kang feels like a bottom-of-the-barrel villain awkwardly forcing his way into the spotlight. It's like the MCU writers don't know what to do now that they have Doctor Doom back, so they're stalling for time with this guy. Kang wasn't even a mid-tier villain in the comics, so I can't see why they're trying to elevate him in the movies. At best, he would've been a pretty good starting villain for an MCU Fantastic Four movie.