MovieChat Forums > BioShock (2007) Discussion > Just Curious--Replay Value

Just Curious--Replay Value

So I just finished playing Bioshock. (I picked the route where I rescued the Little Sisters and got the "good" ending.) Anyway, I'm about to start playing the game again--tho probably not immediately, of course--so I was wondering what some fans had to say about replay value. Did you still think it was as creepy? As beautiful? As intriguing? Did you appreciate it as much? Or did you appreciate it more? Did you find yourself paying more attention to things?

I think that it will probably hold my attention, mostly because of the numerous options with weapons and plasmids and such, but I was wondering if anyone thought playing it again was as interesting the second go round.

The reason I'm playing it again is because I want to see the bad ending. (I've been told it's both really abrupt and WTF-ish, but I still want to see it.) Plus, there are a bunch of X-Box 360 achievements I missed out on. (And yeah, I know I'm a little late to be playing Bioshock so long after it came. It's because we've only had a 360 for a couple of months and I've had mixed luck with pc games, so it had to be 360.)

Anyway, what were your impressions if you played through a second time? How would you rate the replay value?

Mars is laughing at us.


Only half-way with the game on my second run, I got bored and haven't returned since.

As hugely fun as it was the first time, there really wasn't much challenge the first time round, or anything new you could do on your second (you get almost more ADAM then you'll ever need saving the girls).

Though, already having seen the 'bad' endings (both the non-good endings are degrees of 'bad') on YouTube had something to do with it.


God, I've replayed it like 8 times in the past 2 months and I've loved it every time.

Whether I've gone for speed of completion, or collecting items, I've always found something to do.

I will close my ears and my heart and I will be a stone


I've played through BioShock only twice and it never lost its touch w/ me. The scary parts still made me jump and the good ending nearly made my cry, and I still love this game to death. The 2nd time was a bit more satifying because I was able to get all the weapon upgrades, found all the Little Sisters, and got most of the achivements. But the first time playing through was really good also because you don't really know what to expect.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco


Yeah, I started playing through it again a couple of hours ago, because I was bored. While I know essentially what I'm supposed to be doing, I've been doing more exploring than I did the first time. Also, some of the passages are a bit labyrinthine, so I've even gotten lost in places I wouldn't have expected. I know about the twist ending and how things come out, but it's holding my attention a lot better than I thought it would. I guess because if you know what happens, you're more aware of the little things that might hint at what's going on in the city.

I also took a look at the list of Achievements for the first time. Apparently, I need to research a lot more things, listen to more tape recordings, upgrade more weapons, and unlock more plasmid slots.

Mars is laughing at us.


I'm basically doing the same thing as you. I had it when it first came out, and just did a quick run through. Harvesting little sisters and what not. Now, I just got a new 360 (resident evil one, my old one broke months ago), and I found bioshock sitting in my closet. Starting playing it again, except going for every achievement I can get. It's quite fun, so I'd say yes. Worth it


Same here.

I'm going for the Brass Balls achievement, as well as Tonic Collector, Little Sister Saviour and Historian.

I'm having a blast playing it for the second time. I played it on normal the first time so playing it now, on hard with the Vita-Chambers turned off, presents a new challenge and makes the game fresh again, in that aspect. As far as looking at the game, I'm one of the people who can watch someone ELSE play and love it. Everything about it, from an artistic standpoint, really appeals to me.
