Heyyoo! Release date for Bioshock 2.
I went to a gamestop near me and I asked when Bioshock 2 was coming out. They said.....
October 6th, 2009
I went to a gamestop near me and I asked when Bioshock 2 was coming out. They said.....
October 6th, 2009
That's pretty specific, everywhere else places it tentatively on the third quarter this year. Time will tell who is right. Looks like B3 is due on 2011 (yeah right!).
Between now and then, unfortunately it looks like slim-pickings as far as AAA titles are concerned for us Xbox and PC gamers:
http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/index/release.html?constraint.eq.game.locale =us
I have to say the only titles I care about before Bioshock 2 are Wallace and Gromit, Riddick and Diablo 3, Ghostbusters and Dragon Age (only one that really matters as far as I'm concerned).
I like you
you always bring up an argument or conversation
this is not sarcasm
I hate that about me. If I was in a room with me, I'd kill me. Slowly.
LMAO! I could never keep up an argument unless it was about south park, the office, scrubs, basketball, BIOSHOCK (not 2), and super smash bros... oh and insecure people, I know at least 30 of them.
Yeah, I've given up on continuing arguments that has gone on longer then three or four posts - it ain't worth it and you know what they say: "arguing over the internet is like the special olympic, even if you 'win', you are still retarded".
Those are great shows, BTW. Anything coming out before BS2 that you are interested in?
$ sudo apt-get make CHEEZEBURGER --mayo -off
system made you CHEEZEBURGER but ated it :(
I know, if you win an argument online, wow... YOU'RE A WINNER! LMAO special olympics. Like to Obama quote. I still luvr him.
Yes, they are Fantastic shows, I know, but scrubs has been sucking balls since season 5 or 6
and yes, you named two that are coming out before Bioshock 2. Wallace and Gromit (I loved that show ever since I was young, and then it failed. [frown] ) and Riddick. Vin Diesel went to my highschool! or the one i got into. Zombie apocalypse. Madden 10 and NBA 10. Im not very good at them tho
U live in the UK? Spell "color" or spell "favorite"
Did u change your IMDB name?
I think Scrubs is now reaching the point where if the show was made 10 years ago, they'd end up having to resort to 'flashback' filler episodes. It had a good run though. South Park manages to stay fresh, which is an achievement. Even if does start to get a bit preachy.
Zombie Apocalypse? Never heard of it, might see what's it about. Must be pretty good, it has zombies in them and zombies in games never suck. Except for "Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green", the last truly awful game I ever played.
Vin Diesel is cool, I hear he's a bit of a D&D geek. My only claim to 'fame' is that I lived a few miles near where Stanley Kubrick lived. Yeah, I'm a Brit, though my spellchecker is biased towards American-English. And yeah, I changed my IMDB name, it's a pun, care to guess what it means?
$ sudo apt-get make CHEEZEBURGER --mayo -off
system made you CHEEZEBURGER but ated it :(
Fur_Q2? *beep* mi? how dare u!
scrubs sucks now
south park had 2 failing episodes this season
what's a D&D geek? Yeah, I've been In Diddy's house, trick or treated at chris rock's house and near Eddie Murphy's house. I love zombie games
theyre my favourite especially the ones in colour
Dungeons and Dragons. Been playing it only for a about six years now, it's an awesome time-consumer whenever me and my mates get bored of playing computer games. Apparently Vin is into that, which is cool.
Oh, and I was almost run over by Her Majesty when I was five and ran out in front of her jeep just outside her private retreat in Scotland when I got pulled back out by an angry gamekeeper.
$ sudo apt-get make CHEEZEBURGER --mayo -off
system made you CHEEZEBURGER but ated it :(
Mate? UR AUSTRALIAN! jk i love england, italy, australia, and spain... I do NOT like france...
Dungeons and Dragons? No offense, but that's kinda nerdy... but my friend plays WoW and i always mess with him about it.
Her majesty? U live in scotland? All i know about that country is that its near Ireland and Wales
Believe me, no one likes France...
Yeah D&D got that reputation. But hey, if Diesel likes it, it can't be all that nerdy. I despise WoW and MMORPGs in general, you could always piss him off by saying that he is effectively paying for a second job with all that XP grinding.
Nah, only visited the land of the wild Scotties during a holiday. It's not really near either, just find England on the map and move north and there it is.
Changed my name again, 13th time now. I'm so indecisive.
$ sudo make CHEEZEBURGER --mayo -off
system made you CHEEZEBURGER but ated it :(
I went to france once. The place with the mona lisa sux balls cuz there are like 1390720 people there and the eifell tower sux balls too. I love Vin Diesel tho. Fast and Furious is awesome and so is Riddick. Also! Paris Hilton went to my school, but she got kicked out after 1 year. LMAO she sucks!
I love england. I've only been to London twice, but I like it. It's different than the U.S.
I dont even kno how to change my name
Top right of your screen, next to the 'Logout' button should be the '[Your Name]'s account', click that. In the box 'Registration Window' is 'Change Your IMDB ID'. Type in your password and your new name.
Make sure you aren't running any other machine with you logged on, because when you come back, it won't revert to the new name.
$ sudo make CHEEZEBURGER --mayo -off
system made you CHEEZEBURGER but ated it :(
I don't understand it....
I think you do!
$ sudo make CHEEZEBURGER --mayo -off
system made you CHEEZEBURGER but ated it :(
yes indeedy but i changed it back