The first two levels are amazing, Medical Pavillion and Welcome to Rapture, especially the first fifteen minutes or so. From the moment you look up at that lighthouse and realise you're totally alone to being swept through Raptures' underwater skyscrapers to the carnage of what's left... it's powerful in a way that very few other games manage, the way you go from the pinnacle of mankinds achievements and Ryans' ideals to the end result.
I wasn't that crazy about Fort Frolic though. I liked it's style and atmosphere and all the purple in general, but it was also the level that made me realise how linear Bioshock is; it's basically just one big fetch quest where you have to constantly backtrack places you've already been. But worse than that, Frolic was the level I had most trouble with the enemies. They just kept respawning over and over like in no other level... I wanted to explore but couldn't because I'd spent all my ammo just walking through the hall... it annoyed me. I mean, in the early levels everything seems fresh to you, like a woman cooing to a pistol like it's a baby or whatever, freaks you out, but by the time you're past the mid point you're sort of numb to all the constant death and it doesn't bother you anymore.
That said, some of the later levels were very freaky, when they weren't throwing enemies at you. The bit where you walk through the apartments and see the dead families slumped together on their couch or the bit near the end where you're dressing up like a Big Daddy and you see how they were conditioning the kids to reject their mothers... That was more subtly creepy, unlike fort Frolic. I thought they were trying too hard to scare you in that level tbh.
No, no. Psychopaths kill for no reason. I kill for money. It's a job. That didn't come out right.