What a selfish prick


At the end he had $ and was going to see his Daughter, but instead selfishly turned back to play again.


He's not going to play the game. He's going back to stop the game. He saw another guy auditioning on the subway and he took the card away and told him not to call that number. He then cancelled his trip and called the front man to tell him that people are not horses and should not be treated that way. He wouldn't go back to play the game since he has the money. He was a gambling addict but he has been cured of his gambling addiction and he is now a hero. I've seen a lot of posts saying that he is going back to play the game but I'm 99% certain that he is going to stop the game.


Either way - he's abandoning his Daughter.


His Daughter is ok, she has a loving family.


Of course, the anti-capitalist show creators want to make lots of sweet sweet money with extra seasons…
