Huge contradiction in security and accountability
There was a huge contradiction with the way the show went out of its way to demonstrate the strictly regimented routine, accountability, and head counts of the staff.
Then they go on to contradict that later in the series when the guard mentions that if a player goes missing it's a big deal, but if a soldier goes missing then no one gives a shit.
That flies in the face of the established events on the show and logic in general.
Everything is so tightly controlled - when to go to your room, when to eat, when sleep, when to wake up, when to stand for head count, with clocks and timers and audible count downs. Then when the guard is trying to get the doctor to return he explains: "It's a huge problem when a player goes missing, but when it's a soldier, no one cares about that."
How does this make sense? How are they not concerned about staff going rogue, developing a conscience, rescuing players, sabotaging the operation, or whatever? Why all the strictly regulated controls and video monitoring the hallways? That part just didn't add up for me.