MovieChat Forums > Ojing-eo geim (2021) Discussion > Did you watch in original or dub?

Did you watch in original or dub?

Dub lacked a lot of the emotions vs the original but at least they got the oh shheeitt slur parts right. It was fun switching back and forth, especially when the Pakistani imitated the loud mouth slut lady in Ep5. He also sounds Indian.


I watched it dubbed, but will watch it again with subs this time. I loved the series and watched all epsisode in one day.


Original. I never watch dubbed anything. Watched thousands of foreign movies over the years and have mastered watching a movie while reading subtitles. It's kind of a lost art, but it is worth it.


Only a last art if you're a westerner. During my early anime days I have always watched with subs. The originality brings more realism and raw emotion from the characters than Eng dub which sounded like I was watching a Dragon Ball episode XD.


I am a westerner, but have read subtitles for years. I have watched loads of foreign movies over the years, so I snub dub.


Tbousands of foreign movies?? Dang thats a lot.

I need to watch more films/shows outside english speaking ones. Can you recommend some?


Cinema Paradiso is a good one to start with.


Dubbed, I can't read tv shows. But still it was impactful regardless.


Original. I prefer subtitles.


I hate dubs ... subtitles all the time (I actually use subtitles for English spoken shows as well :D )


Dubs can be good in animation movies.
The rest I prefer the original.

Anyway, I find the Korean language as very pleasant.

The English are so bad in this series that maybe we need Korean dub for them.


Original with subtitles definitely, the dubbed from what i hear is TERRIBLE and the voice actors was barely trying. I mean you lose all the emotion and anguish from the actors with dubbed, and get cheap voice actors trying to imitate what the actor was trying to convey in the scene instead of the authentic emotion from the actor in the scene.

The dub makes it come off like some goofy parody.

I only ever watch dubbed with anime, but i just can't with live action stuff, cause its too obvious the voice is not the actors voice and it takes me out of it.


I started off watching it dubbed but then read somewhere that you really should hear the ‘actual’ actors voices because you’ll be missing out on something if you don’t. So I switched to Original with subs half way through and I’m glad I did.

What an excellent series though, enjoyed it a lot.

Does anyone here think there will be a S2 ?
