Cheesy with lax security and plot holes
-Being able to easily sneak in be it a cop or a opportunist organ harvester and gang.
-Lack of screening credible people or people that suddenly break the rules where it doesn't raise any suspicion.
-Lack of checking if they're being followed to the game field, quick dissipation of sleeping gas, and being able to smuggle in weapons.
-ID check only by number among staff so there is no way to check if the person is actually that person designated to that number so you could see that anyone could easily assume another person.
-0029 being able to assume a baggage handler O then supervisor [] easily without raising any alarm bells and seemingly knowing what to do in those roles as well for the most part.
-So many missed opportunities to overpower the guards and grab their SMG's or push them off hazardous areas (Tug of War).
-It's weird how they prevented people from fighting/killing each other on the first day but subsequent days it was free for all.
-Nice guys finish last until they don't
-People still whining and complaining after the events of the first day to muscle up the courage to still go back then whine and complain again after all they've been through... -_- really? I would've been desensitized by that point since you essentially chose money over life.
-Either Oh Il-nam is an expert (which he is but still hella old) or no one ever thought about ridding the old guy first since he'd be more of an issue for future games requiring groups. The resting area fights to the huge gambles he took even though he parted wisdom on the teams but still a RNG (Tug of War) so how would the game hosts protect their creator if they were doing so during the first game?
-That guy that brought his wife to the game... WTF was he thinking? Instead of just losing one, the potential to lose 2 and screw whatever children they might have had back home.
-Whole etiquette of the games revolves around EQUALITY yet there was so much inequality in team member choice, misogyny (women weaker albeit true to certain degrees), being able to change the type of game around the genre to make it more fair which many don't until the marble game (missed opportunity, especially the candy game).
-People being able to cheat...
-Cameras everywhere except bathrooms eh? At least the sex was nice...
Ugh! More times this show made me frustrated over it but I still enjoyed the drama and the games themselves.