The Jessie Eisenberg Duality of Adventureland and Zombieland *SPOILERS*
People don't know this but this was a two parter revolving around a theme park/carnival both taking place in 2009:
- Adventureland was the reality of Jessie Eisenberg working at the park
- Then in his psyche an entirely new reality was playing in his head of zombie invasions in Zombieland. The crossover point you will see is when he is dazed working Games and hears 'Rock Me Amadeus' from Falco, that is the trigger from one reality to the alternate zombie reality and vice versa.
*SPOILER* When he decides to go back for Emma Stone in Zombieland limbo it is the same moment in Adventureland where he makes his way to New York for Kristen Stewart.
Jessie Eisenberg is also in The Double where this plays out further into his madness. Eventually there will be a movie where Jessie Eisenberg can live vicariously through Jessie Eisenberg like John Malkovich in Being John Malkovich.
All of this is a direct parallel to how is he confused with Michael Cera in real-life.