Liberals and the Media

The fact that, while fighting a war, soldiers weren't allowed to do what they needed to do (in regards to the herders) because they were afraid of the media and Liberals labelling them "monsters" is just sick. So many brave heroes lost their lives, and that twisted Taliban leader got off scotch free!

They were fighting an uphill battle having so many limitations and restrictions on what they can do, while fighting people who are willing to do and lose anything.



Yeah. Because US troops were the only one's who had that complaint.

There is, unseen by most, an underworld...a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit...


Lot of "liberal" soldiers over here in Afghanistan, dude. Why don't you come over and tell them all your nonsense to their faces?




Simple folks want a simple world.



I saw the uphill battle when they nuked the place from orbit and annihilated the entire Taliban army in 4 seconds flat

if anything, war has become so commonplace for murkins that it's run by bureaucrats and economists


This had noting to do with the liberal media. They are professionals and humans. Killing unarmed prisoners is illegal and morally wrong, and is something you have to live with for the rest of your life. Killing someone is hard enough, killing someone who was no immediate threat (and someone who maybe wasn't a threat at all as far as you would know) is even harder.

I recall in the movie that the only real discussion they have is about legal actions against them and the morality of it. Other than one off-hand comment about the story getting out on CNN, which is a fair point (killing unarmed goat-herders deserves attention by the media), it's not that much of an issue.

