Liberals and the Media

The fact that, while fighting a war, soldiers weren't allowed to do what they needed to do (in regards to the herders) because they were afraid of the media and Liberals labelling them "monsters" is just sick. So many brave heroes lost their lives, and that twisted Taliban leader got off scotch free!

They were fighting an uphill battle having so many limitations and restrictions on what they can do, while fighting people who are willing to do and lose anything.


Scurry off conservative trash. Conservatives are too stupid to run a media.

Nothing in your posting is even true.


Liberals are the most disgusting filth in this country.

I bet you don't even find it ironic that this country was founded by the liberals of their day. I know 100% for a fact that there are beliefs you value and people you admire from the past who, in that time, were considered radically liberal. I can see you're transfixed on the word "liberal" and your knee-jerk reaction to it is all not that different than cues hypnotists use when they brainwash people so I understand.

Their control of the media,

Now this one is a little more difficult to wrap my head around. The nature of journalism is liberal. It's investigative. It challenges the establishment and is meant to find truth. I know it gets confusing when "liberal" (lowercase L) and "Liberal" (uppercase L) are used interchangeably. But what isn't confusing is the number of media outlets that are conservative; how can anyone say that it's controlled exclusively by "Liberals"?

lack of common sense,

And maybe this is the answer. Heuristics are what we use when we can't be bothered with any iota of critical thought or the slightest analysis. "Common sense" is so common that you'd think someone would write it all down in a book so that it can be easily referenced. (Not sure if Tommy Paine owns the rights to the title though).

constant causing of division,

"Causing of division"... yeah, they should make statements that unify us as a country like "XXXX are the most disgusting filth in this country".

and pushing for stricter ROE have ruined us.

They seem strict... until they're used against us. I'm pretty sure you weren't lauding the 9/11 terrorists for their tactical brilliance when they murdered civilians using our own planes. I bet you even called them cowards. So which is it? Should we adhere to Rules of Engagement that include not murdering civilians or should we be cowards like our terrorist adversaries?

Liberals have cornered the market on idiotic 20 something's too.

Funny. I bet you were hoping to get your hands on another demographic of idiots. Well, you're just going to have to make do with the idiots in the age groups you've got.


It would be ironic 'if' the Founding Fathers did indeed embody liberal ideals. But they didn't even remotely compare to a liberal mindset. With hindsight we see the Founding Fathers having forward thinking but, that is the thing about hindsight of course, it isn't necessarily intentional or intended. Democracy, Civil Rights and the like were nothing new. These were not ideals that were progressive or liberal. The strive for democracy was for the most part a guise, a vehicle in a sense that was used to consolidate power. The French Revolution is indeed a wholly liberal event. The revolts aim to completely demolish and decapitate a system and its principals. The American Revolution doesn't stand up as a liberal event as it was more akin to reverting to the ideals of a republic while moderately holding on to many of the same tenants of the monarchy from which it wanted to separate from. The original ideal, not the watered down modern version, was to revel in the Republic, following Federalist presumptions about government. There is nothing liberal about it. Social Security had nothing to do with, nor did distribution of wealth. The Federalist Model that the American Revolution was aiming for, was all about free will and free market. Liberalism modern or otherwise centers its aim on Socialism, just changing names and dumbing things down.

You're taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?


It would be ironic 'if' the Founding Fathers did indeed embody liberal ideals.

...okay, go on...

But they didn't even remotely compare to a liberal mindset.

...really? Not even remotely? I'm intrigued, go on...

With hindsight we see...


...the Founding Fathers having forward thinking



Oh, what a relief; there's a "but". I completely thought that you were going to completely contradict your sentiment that they weren't "remotely" liberal in mindset and yet they were "forward thinking".

that is the thing about hindsight of course, it isn't necessarily intentional or intended.

Wait. What? I think someone could make an argument that forward-thinking people who intend to affect change DO have the future in mind making their actions and the results 100% intentional.

Democracy, Civil Rights and the like were nothing new. These were not ideals that were progressive or liberal.

Wow. However, I think I see what's going on. There's probably a part coming up where facts and random historical events or intermingled with a lot of conjecture presented as empirical truth...

The strive for democracy was ... American Revolution doesn't stand up as a liberal event as it was more akin to reverting ... watered down modern version, ... to do with, nor did distribution ... free will and free market.

Ah, okay, yeah, there it is. And while there are individual parts to that I both agree and disagree with, I don't want to get off on a tangent and I surely don't want to play word games.

But like I said, I think I know what's going on here and it has less to do with how these historical details are interpreted and more with how we define and represent words, in this case: liberal. Can we agree that words (or any symbol) can be demonized beyond their meanings? And for the sake of this discussion, I'll use the four-letter f-word for example: it has meanings that we wouldn't say are bad (many we'd say are either good or even objectively scientific) and we can discuss everything about "the f-word" rationally without ever saying it. That is similar to what we do with words like: liberal, conservative, right-wing, left-wing, hippy, tea-bagger... not only do they get people riled up and emotional but they have become effigies that are convenient to attack without having to use your brain.

From the very first part of the response, the term "liberal" is used in a the semantics game. Okay, I won't be cynical and say that since I was not absolutely precise in my use of the term, there was some flexibility to dance around the definitions regardless of how eventually even the part-of-speech was changed in your rebuttal.

To my statement:

I bet you don't even find it ironic that this country was founded by the liberals of their day.

Your response:

'if' the Founding Fathers did indeed embody liberal ideals. But they didn't even remotely compare to a liberal mindset.

...uses too ... <ahem>... liberal of a variation of the word compared to its original context. To be "a liberal of his day" doesn't explicitly equal either "embodying liberal ideals" or "to have a liberal mindset" (assuming you mean 'a contemporary Liberal's mindset). Simply stated: a person who is (adj) liberal is just either someone who believes or advocates government's role in social progress or descriptive of someone who does not strictly adhere to traditional or established ways. I know you're using a term descriptive of how we describe contemporary Liberals based on specific recent issues but in their day, the Founding Fathers and the ideals put forth were liberal. They were radical and they were treasonous in their day. Basically, there is no way to move from being colonies belonging to the British to a sovereign country without rejecting traditional ideals and embracing progressive, forward-thinking ideals.

So, to make a statement "this country was founded by the liberals of their day" is not an outlandish sentiment and it doesn't imply that the Founding Fathers were pro-choice, pro-marriage equality, or any other issue that may be considered "liberal" by today's political definition; it just means relative to what was the accepted establishment, they were liberal. One-hundred years from now, the things we consider to be "liberal" are going to be the status quo.

Bottom line is that it is just depressing what has replaced discussions and conversations these days. People are so horribly manipulated these days that they know a million things to say on any topic but not a single thought as to why (and that's regardless of anyone's political or ideological leanings.) Like this guy: conditioned to rant "liberal" at any person or idea that doesn't fit into his worldview without paying a thought to his own words and what those words actually mean. And they're so unoriginal yet so easy to parrot that even the least-researched forum troll considers themselves a skilled debater. And trust me, this is not exclusive to one side; many a so-called progressive liberal can become hypocritically bigoted when casting aspersions on Christians, Southerners/"red staters", pro-lifers, hunters, gun owners and so on.



I know! All those liberals at FOX News!



Conservatives are the most disgusting filth in this country. Their control of the media, lack of common sense*, constant causing of division*, and pushing for looser ROE have ruined us.

Conservatives have cornered the market on idiotic 50-something's too.


*These actually hold true in this case. The rest is hogwash used to make a point, as I have family who are conservatives who are definitely not "filth," but rather simply misinformed.


I don't know a lot about war, but I DO know a lot about liberals. I live in a very liberal city - Vancouver, Canada. The thing is - people shouldn't care what the liberals label them as. especially soldiers in action. The liberals I know talk even more *beep* than the conservatives do.

Point is, a soldier should do what's right - a broad, BROAD term, but when your life is on the line, just go with your gut and damn the consequences. Especially if the worst thing that'll happen is to be labelled a "monster" by a bunch of pussy liberals.

Anybody who hasn't been in the service, hasn't on a ####ing battlefield, hasn't put their life on the line simply shouldn't talk *beep* about what a soldier did under fire. Because what do they know? What do we know?



Whatever... and Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity are two of the greatest American Patriots that ever lived and never served. I'm sooooo sick of people using the word Liberal. I hate both parties so you can't send me flames and why in heck does the word 'Liberal' appear on a movie review site? It has nothing to do with films. Look at it this way. Ronald Reagan was a horrible Grade B actor and Grade Z President at best LOL!!! Yeah, he was terrible, right behind Carter. oooch, ears smokin' yet? Hey, I kid.

You&#x27;re damned if you do and damned if you don&#x27;t ~ Bart Simpson


LOL!!! Yeah, he was terrible, right behind Carter. oooch, ears smokin' yet? Hey, I kid.

Are you posting drunk again?

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


I consider myself a conservative liberal, but now I am starting go think the media is doing harm to the military the war and nation security.

Brian Kinney & Justin Taylor
