What a lame, forgettable, war movie
I don't want to re-hash everything some of the one-star rating reviewers have already said, but this film was a huge disappointment. I will throw a bit out there, though; Totally lame hero dialogue that never once strayed from the "Chuck Norris" formula, characters I never cared about for a moment (we're supposed to care that one of the guy's fiancé wants an expensive horse as a present??), enemy soldiers who just run up one and after another like complete dopes and get shot, US soldiers who somehow fall off cliffs at least three times and land on back-breaking rocks and get up and still run around, the sappy doe-eyed little boy and the "hero" local who saved him, and the list goes on and on. The only time I was interested was in the first couple of minutes when they were showing how tough SEAL training was- now that would have made an interesting movie.
Now don't get me wrong here- I absolutely love war movies; 2 or 3 are in my all-time top 10. My message is simply this for people who have grown up during our current conflicts. If you think this is a great war, fine, but I hope you have taken the time to see the real greats; Platoon, Apocalypse Now (original), The Thin Red Line, Saving Private Ryan, and The Band of Brothers. Sometimes I get the feeling that today's younger movie goers never bothered to watch older movies, when they fawn over a dreadful film such as this one. Hell, even a western like The Good, the Bad and The Ugly had more memorable things to say about warfare than Lone Survivor did.
Now I get this is based on a true story and that these guys were heroes and brave and gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country, but that doesn't make the film great. I do hope that someday, maybe when our current wars are long over with, a worthy film is made about the Afgahn and Iraq conflicts. Sorry, but Sniper and Survivor ain't it.