Would you have let them go like he did? Would you have tied them up and let them rot in the forest? What about taking them with you?
Or would you have killed them?
Me personally i would've killed them. Taking them with me would be the 2nd closest option but i would be dragging ass if i took them with me and my crew.
Killing them and covering it up would suck but it's really the only ideal solution.
I think the best option in my opinion would be to tie them up and get the hell out of there and take their phone/comm device with me. They were goat herders and that path was likely traveled regularly; otherwise they wouldn't have been there. So they would have been found within a day or two days tops. I would have felt confident that I wasn't leaving them there to starve to death. I think they would have been found and it would have bought the team enough time to make contact and get extracted.
Still better chances than letting them go. And the herder's chances of survival would have been better than if they had just killed them. But if someone were standing there trying to tell me that tying them up wouldn't work I'd just opt for killing them.
Yes, and when you are very publicly court-martialed for what you very well know are cowardice and warcrimes under both US and international law, your humiliated country, comrades, and family will live on with the shame of the way you disgraced yourself AND them...That as one of the best-trained sailors/combat operators in one of Earth's best militaries, that all of those millions of dollars and countless hours spent in training were really just a giant waste spent on a selfish coward who resorts to plugging unarmed peasant children and old men herding a flock of sheep. How often are we regaled with the heroic exploits of the Waffen-SS so bravely shooting all those bystanders and POWs?
They had a 2 way radio. Why do goat herders need 2 way radios? They are obviously connected to the taliban if not taliban themselves. These terrorists recruit kids. I think I saw one of the teens as their hunter. Bystanders, they are not. Obvious proof was that the taliban was quickly all over the place after letting them go.
Leaders NEED to make tough decisions, even if they do not WANT that decision.
And worse comes to worst, getting court marshalled is still a lot better than getting massacred by the talibans. Not only 3 got killed but a whole group of army (in the helicopter) got killed because of that bad decision.
In the end, the sad reality is that the three soldiers that died in the firefight more or less traded in their lives for that of the three in the woods. And you can bet that if the shoe were on the other foot, the Taliban would've killed Americans before giving up their mission/position.
That is true, but like Whalberg's character said, had they shot them and buried them or whatever, they would likely have been found dead and an investigation would have led to those soldiers ending up on the news for killing an innocent unarmed child, a teenager, and an elderly man... it doesn't look too good. I think they should have left them in the woods tied up... it would have bought them time and those guys would have been found eventually. It was a better risk than letting them go and risking their lives.
I can understand why they weren't executed...the Rules of Engagement, but I still don't understand why they weren't tied up. There appears a reasonable chance they would have survived / been found and it would have given the group a greater head start.
May be the book which I haven't read goes into greater depth on Murphy's decision.
Me personally i would've killed them. Taking them with me would be the 2nd closest option but i would be dragging ass if i took them with me and my crew.
Have you actually killed any unarmed people in REAL LIFE?? Stop talking about "I would´ve killed them" -bullsh*t.
´´This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time´´
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I don't get this kind of complaint. It is extremely easy to kill unarmed civilians. I would have no trouble doing it.
The issue is fear of getting court martialed and sent away. The act itself is extremely easy. Honestly!
So if they killed the unarmed goat headers, one a child when you get back to base what is Lt Murphy going to write in his after action report? All four of them would be spending the rest of their days behind bars at Fort Leavenworth! Then International media would have a field day and when you're trying so hard and failing to win "hearts and minds" what Afghani is going to trust a member of the US Armed Forces from then on?!
If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost reply share
Yeah I read what you wrote but I also added that if it got out that SEALs or any US Armed Forces in Afghanistan execute two unarmed, peaceful goat herders and a kid it would be a massive political SH.TSTORM especially when the Afghans barely trust ISAF as it is!
The act itself is extremely easy. Honestly!
You could cold heartedly double tap to the chest and one to the head to a innocent, poor 10 year old boy? Yeah I like to see that! I've be in the Service and yes you are trained to KILL but you are trained in precision or economy of violence and don't look at everybody as a potential target!
If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost reply share
Yes, but if you are in deep sh*t, sometimes you care more about yourself than the country. Right? So some people might be for it, while others might not.
Yup. If it isn't me or anybody I like, then it is all good. I am in a government militia and have basic firearms training. I know how to shoot. Not an expert or anything though, didn't get marksman qualifications either. But shooting unarmed civilians is easy. Heck, they are tied up.
What does that mean? My country entered Afghanistan way back in December 2001 side by side with US Special Forces and was part of ISAF with our Special Forces chasing High Value Targets and regular soldiers and sappers Mentoring and Training local Afghan troops and building infrastructure like bridges and schools.
If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost reply share
Er... exactly what it sounds like? Your version is known as the National Guard. Essentially, an Army Reserve to be called up during times of war. No active war deployment otherwise.
Slight bit of a side topic. Is there something wrong with people? Why are people so doubtful about the willingness of others to murder people in cold blood?
Are you lot serious? There are numerous news reports of people being murdered for the change in their wallets. Why do you think that people won't murder innocent people if it can save their own asses?
I feel that you people are posing a bit, acting as if you are more righteous. If your ass is on the line, sure you won't murder someone to save your ass? I am not saying it is right, I am saying that self preservation comes first.
Are you lot serious? There are numerous news reports of people being murdered for the change in their wallets. Why do you think that people won't murder innocent people if it can save their own asses?
Of course there are homicidal maniacs and sociopaths everywhere in society but you don't join the Armed Forces until you have gone through a battery of tests many psychological. Watch the Generation Kill miniseries that perfectly shows how squared away those Marines are except for one young kid Private Trombley who in real life let off a burst from his SAW and hits a kid. Watch how the other Sergeant Marines chastise and shun him and do their best to get him MEDEVAVED to a US Aid Station for their mistake.
Its not like Vietnam and Full Metal Jacket any more where you have helo door gunners firing randomly at civilians in rice padi fields! There's a lot more accountability and scrutiny these days with phones and cameras and Rules of Engagement and those dead goat herders would be filmed and shown on Al Jazeera by the Talibanwith 5.56mm rounds in them or should they they choke them or slit their throats?! CNN: SEALs kill unarmed kids when compromised.
If your ass is on the line, sure you won't murder someone to save your ass? I am not saying it is right, I am saying that self preservation comes first.
They had no idea that when they released the goat shepherds they would run back so quickly into the village and there would be a 50+ Taliban fighting force ready to take them on. A lot of things went bad for the SEALs firstly they were supposed to have had AH-64 Apache helo gunships as a Quick Reaction Force but they were already taken by US Army troops in contact so the QRF of the SEAL platoon in the Chinook were there to be shot at with RPG-7s!
You don't think Allied WWII Veterans who have a kill or several don't think daily about the Nazis or Japanese they killed even though they were justified and possibly saved their life and their buddies in some battles?!
If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost reply share
The concept isn't that they murder a bunch of people for fun. The concept is that they murder a bunch of people to save their own asses.
And yes, as I said, fear of court martial is the thing. But the killing itself is easy.
If you think killing an UNARMED, INNOCENT CHILD is "easy" as you put it then not only are you ice cold but you are a sociopath! You're just a f.cking keyboard warrior. How did the SEALs know that they would go running back to the Village and report it to Ahmad Shah and he would send 50+ Taliban to start hunting down the SEALs? Also how were they to know that their comms were down and that their QRF Apache gunship helos assigned to their mission were diverted to Army troops in contact? Had the Taliban seen Apaches it the skies with their 30mm cannon, 2.75 rockets and Hellfires the 4 SEALs probably would have got a quick exfil by a Chinook or Black Hawk like the one shot down!
Just like another poster pointed out killing the unarmed shepherds and kid which they had NO evidence that they were observers for the Taliban (beside a radio that is used by many herders not just for Taliban military observers) which makes them no better than what the Waffen-SS or Gestapo and their war crimes of shooting innocent civilians for possibly being part of "Resistance groups"!
Like they say in the movie the headlines on CNN would be: SEALs Kill Kids. They get busted but not only do they get court marshalled but they dishonour the SEAL community, the US Armed Forces, he US government and the POTUS and SecDef and finally put back trust that the US and ISAF forces have been trying to build up with the Afghan people since the 2001 Invasion and now more kids motivated towards joining the Taliban.
If you have 100% certainty that unless you kill this kid and his probable relative Shepard then you will not get out alive then yeah execute them (but it will stay with you for the rest of your life) but SEALs are heavily trained in Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE). So before the mission they would have had an several Evade and Escape plans with new helo LZs for extraction when they get their comms up or use the unsecured Sat Phone. They absolutely no authority nor knew at the time that releasing the Afghans would result in a sort of Hunter/Killer Taliban company sent out looking for them justifying killing UNARMED, INNOCENT goat herders!
If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost reply share
Completely disagree. I am an actual (very low quality) warrior. I have received formal combat training by the national army of my country. I have a formal military rank (very low rank though). I retain membership in the government militia. I am entirely entitled to make such a claim.
These are unarmed civilians who are tied up. If I falsely claimed to be able to defeat SEALs, this would be bullsh*t. I would get my ass kicked. Poorly trained militia does not stand up to Special Forces.
you are a sociopath
I suspect that I am close to being a sociopath, while not meeting the formal definition. I certainly am very ready to inflict violence if it meets my goals (which it very rarely does, in our civilised society). Let's be conservative, and just say that I am more open to violence than the typical person.
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These are unarmed civilians who are tied up. If I falsely claimed to be able to defeat SEALs, this would be bullsh*t. I would get my ass kicked. Poorly trained militia does not stand up to Special Forces.
So basically you're now what WE call a Reservist. So be proud and patriotic and tell me what country that you "retain membership in the government militia"? I will then happily tell you mine...
I suspect that I am close to being a sociopath, while not meeting the formal definition. I certainly am very ready to inflict violence if it meets my goals (which it very rarely does, in our civilised society). Let's be conservative, and just say that I am more open to violence than the typical person.
Firstly violence is subjective, hyperbole here but you could probably shoot a 3 year old in the head and sleep like a baby while my Aunty walked out of the Theatre back in the 90s during/after the opening Omaha beach landing scene in Saving Private Ryan? Being part of any Armed Forces for your country you are from Day 1 in boot camp they start turning you into a killer to protect your country and her Allies. They also importantly indoctrinate you so don't second guess yourself if were say to come down to a hand to hand combat fight against an Al-Qaeda jihadi in some sh.thole Afghan village or having to shoot a kid in Iraq like shown done by SEAL sniper Chris Kyle in American Sniper because the kids then his mother were about to throw an RKG-3 anti-tank grenade at oncoming Marines.
SEALs/Delta/SAS even on covert mission are always are given Rules of Engagement otherwise every soldier should just be given "shooters discretion" with no repercussions and f.ck the Geneva Conventions and Laws of War! This is what separates us from the animals,savages such as the f.cks from Daesh/ISIS killing/raping/looting women and children.
So if after a mission you can justify that killing an UNARMED, INNOCENT goat herder KID was your ONLY option of getting out of there alive then fine but if you can't then you should be spending a long time in a military prison or should not have been enlisted in the first place!
These are unarmed civilians who are tied up.
If you read the book the goat shepherds were never tied up like it was shown in the movie because strangely none of the SEALs had anything to tie them up with which is strange as most soldiers/Marines/SEALs should and do carry Paracord on them always as it has 101 uses like I have been taught to!
If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost reply share
So basically you're now what WE call a Reservist. So be proud and patriotic and tell me what country that you "retain membership in the government militia"? I will then happily tell you mine...
Yup. Militia <=> reserve army
If you are an American, then think National Guard. Why should I go first? Why would you even want such personal details? Low ranking member of a militia is about as modest a claim as there can be, no?
you could probably shoot a 3 year old in the head and sleep like a baby
Probably not, for me. Not quite that far along on the violence spectrum.
Why are you so disbelieving anyway? If you are American, you must be familiar with how bad things got towards the end of the Afghan and Iraq wars. The recruitment standards were loosened severely to fulfil the quotas, and many less-than-fully-stable people were permitted to enlist. You may even have personal experience working with them.
but if you can't then you should be spending a long time in a military prison
I will weight my chances and do what I think is best for me. My government is obliged not to deploy me other than for self-defence during active war. Thus, either I am murdering people who invaded my country (tough luck for them) or my government broke its bond to me (in which case, screw them).
[Do not think National Guard, where the US regularly deploy them for active war deployments. My country does not invade others, we leave others the fu*k alone]
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If you are an American, then think National Guard. Why should I go first? Why would you even want such personal details? Low ranking member of a militia is about as modest a claim as there can be, no?
See that's where your ignorance starts, I'm not an American but there is quite a bigger difference between the National Guard of an US State is controlled normally by that State's Governor even though both can be deployed overseas. The primary difference between the Guard and Reserve components lies in the command. Reserve units are part of the Federal Armed Forces, and as such they are under Presidential Command. National Guard units are organised on the State level, and the Governor can call them to service in response to civil riots or natural disasters. Out of the five branches of the US military only the US Army and US Air Force have have National Guard components!
Why should you go first? Because I want to see if your country has the balls to send troops, intelligence or even just military assets e.g. Aerial Refuelling Tankers in support of missions that would save "Western lives" or you sit back and let other Allied or NATO Nations do the dirty work in all the failed States and Islamic State controlled or dominated countries aka Failed States like Libya.
The recruitment standards were loosened severely to fulfil the quotas, and many less-than-fully-stable people were permitted to enlist. You may even have personal experience working with them.
Totally agree with you on this one in that a riflemen fresh out of US Army or Marine boot camp could be deployed within 6 months of graduation and going from door to door into hostile, heavily defended cities or villages in Iraq for example and don't have the correct carbine rifles, Det Cord and frag/flashbang grenades for that type of mission and enough CQB training, sniper overwatch, the correct way of detaining possible Insurgents and their sympathisers who help them and proper search and seizure of possible arms caches.
[Do not think National Guard, where the US regularly deploy them for active war deployments. My country does not invade others, we leave others the fu*k alone]
What are you from Switzerland?  Our Reservist SF were deployed during the Afghan War. You see I'm happy to admit that we have a strong military but we are HEAVILY aligned to the US as our Security Blanket and they invoked the ANZUS Treaty after 9/11 so our SASR were involved in Afghanistan since late 2001 and played a key role in Operation Anaconda in March 2002 calling in Airstrikes and providing sniper overwatch saving US troop lives. Also while they were there they were chasing down possible sightings of OBL and 2ic Ayman al-Zawahiri on the Eastern Afghan border.
We have fought alongside the US Armed Forces in every conflict they have been involved in since World War One. I'm not including the invasions of Grenada in 1983 (Operation Urgent Fury) and Panama in 1989 (Operation Just Cause). Yes we get a lot of military hardware (helos, tanks) and ordnance weapon systems from the US but just recently had our two new LHDs built in Spain and our old and new next Gen subs are built locally...
If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost reply share
See that's where your ignorance starts, I'm not an American
Er... You don't understand the word "If"?
Because I want to see if your country has the balls to send troops, intelligence or even just military assets e.g. Aerial Refuelling Tankers in support of missions that would save "Western lives" or you sit back and let other Allied or NATO Nations do the dirty work in all the failed States and Islamic State controlled or dominated countries aka Failed States like Libya.
My country is not a high profile terrorist target. There is little benefit to us in attacking terrorists. May even make us a target. Hence, there is no reason why we should risk ourselves for you people. You owe the US your support since you are their treaty allies.
What are you from Switzerland?
Sort of, similar. No wars in my country's modern history. We don't fu*k with you, you better not fu*k with us.
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My country is not a high profile terrorist target.
A lot of terrorist attacks in Western country's have been on "touristy" locations so your country mustn't be worthy of visiting.
You owe the US your support since you are their treaty allies.
F.cking oath we do owe them (Our Navy is the United State's biggest Foreign Military Sales buyer) and you would be stupid not to align yourself with the World's major superpower in BOTH Defence and a FREE TRADE DEAL! Before 9/11 although we don't have an official Bill of Rights in our Constitution we still share the same morals/values/laws and freedom.
Sort of, similar. No wars in my country's modern history. We don't fu*k with you, you better not fu*k with us.
If you aren't supported in some way in Freedom by the US and/or NATO I highly assume your country is rife with corruption in areas like the police and politicians! C'mon be patriotic and share where your from....!
If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost reply share
You feel bad about being so beholden to the US and want to validate yourself by thinking that other countries must therefore suck. That is not my problem.
How can the greatness of my country be material to the question of whether you are willing to eliminate witnesses to a insertion operation, so as to preserve your own lives?
We are wealthy (GDP per capita, PPP basis, according to listing by IMF / World Bank) with a diverse economy in manufacturing and services, and peaceful. While we enjoy American support, I do not consider us heavily beholden to the US. Instead we bargain with them to get the best (economic, security, other aspects...) deal we can extract. Certainly, we are not obliged by binding treaty to support them militarily.
Whatever problems you may have in your country, I assure you the solution is not to tear down other countries. Instead, seek to mend what is broken. And think about engaging in fewer wars, since I imagine that may be beneficial.
Killing the innocents to protect a mission may sound simple after the fact, but if you were there, I'm willing to bet that the decision would be very, very difficult. Most people would argue as Luttrell did in the movie.
I thought they were about to, and was surprised when they did NOT ... but I would have knocked them out with the butts of their guns. Yes, you MIGHT kill them even just trying to knock them out, but probably not and it would buy you a lot of time.
Second choice would be to take them up the hill with me, then release AFTER I had made radio contact.
Third, maybe handicap them with some well place silenced shots to the leg(s). Actually, this might be tied for first now that I think more about it.
All 20/20 hindsight of course, sitting in the comfort of my home. Don't even know how it really went down or IF the goat-herders were the reason for sure. I need to read the book ... even then, might not know.
I would have marched them at gun point to somewhere I could get a signal with that antenna. Eventually the old man would not have been able to continue, and I would have let him go, figuring it would take him forever to alert the Taliban, and he might even hesitate for fear of what might happen to his kids.
It seemed like a possibility in the movie, but I assume in real life it was not, otherwise that is what they would have done, and I don't pretend to more fully comprehend the situation than the guys who were there.
I wouldn't have executed them though. If we are going to start executing unarmed civilians as well, then what's the point?