Cruelest of movies?

I'm hard pressed to think of a movie that depicts sheer cruelty in such a way.

Irreversible? More a depiction of rage.
A Serbian Film? Close, perhaps, but the protagonist is so disordered by the end that it's not clear how aware he is.
Antichrist? No. Too much prior psychopathology at play.
Martys? Close, but the motivation behind the savagery redeems ever so slightly.
Human Centipede? Too outre
Last House on the Left? Redeemed slightly by successful revenge.
Men Behind the Sun? Savagery that is ultimately bureaucratic, mechanistic.
I Spit on Your Grave? Same as Last House...
Funny Games? Again, close, but too obviously experimental, constantly reminding the viewer of the filmmaker's intent.
Salo? Not really a film of cruelty as much as an orgy of sexual extremes.
Audition? Again, ameliorated by vengeance.
The Girl Next Door? Again, close, but not quite.


This and Anne Frank

That which does not kill you just fvcks with your mind. DISTANCE KILLS ME BUT YOUR PRESENCE A THREAT


An American Crime 2007


Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


The Girl Next Door (2007) which has a similar theme to An American Crime mentioned above. I haven't seen that one but this movie, IMO, is very cruel. Towards the end when the mother burns the clitoris of the girl with a blowtorch even though the act itself isn't shown I was so enraged by that act of cruelty I wanted to reach through the screen and beat the crap out of her.

No other movie I've seen evoked a reaction like that from me. It made the ending all the more heartbreaking. In my subjective opinion The Girl Next Door is the cruelest movie I have ever seen.

Long live the 70s! [party]


Normally, I love descriptiveness in a book, but I was so relieved when Ketchum left this part to the imagination. It was the one time that I thought something might actually get to me.


The true story of Sylvia Likens that both Girl Next Door and An American Crime are based on is even more cruel. It's one of the most disturbing stories I've ever heard. That and the one about Theresa Knorrā€¦ God, there is such real evil in the world. It's so horrifying.


i would agree, Megan is missing is the most "cruel" movie i've ever seen


Crueler movies than this...

The original Dutch version of The Vanishing
In Cold Blood
Any movie about slaves, gladiators, and Rome. Particularly Caligula. Which as bad as it was, was better then this pig swell.
ANY holocaust movie from Diary of Ann Frank to Schindler's List.
Hell, even the Lovely Bones was more cruel than this.

What was cruel about it, the boring 22 minute digging scene? I nearly fell asleep. The rape scene? Watch Irreversible. Gore, what gore? Watch the mini-series Spartacus.


try "The Poughkeepsie Tapes". you'll consider megan is missing a runner-up.


Absolutely agree with oalf. The Poughkeepsie tapes is worse. Didn't even feel the need to finish that one and that rarely happens.


More cruel than Irreversible? Seriously?

Caving in a man's head with a fire extinguisher all filmed in glorious color on screen isn't cruel? Slamming a girl's head into the cement floor for two minutes isn't cruel. Yes, rage, but cruel too...

This movie is laughable, i found it boring,(nearly fell asleep during the 22 minute digging a hole scene) and not cruel at all...


Yeah, but this movie portrays violence against CHILDREN.

Irreversible portrayed violence against adults.

Troll the respawn, Jeremy.


Depiction of sheer cruelty? Try "Stoic" (2009)



I didn't think this was an all around great movie, but the ending was down right brutal. Buried alive in a barrel with the corpse of her best friend, come on. It was a relatively tame R rated movie until the found footage at the end and I was pleasantly surprised.

The cruelest movie I've yet to see is probably Martyrs. I've seen a lot of gory movies with blood and guts that dont affect me the way the women were treated in that movie.


Schindler's List. Now that's cruelty. I Watched it once and will never forget it.

"-Oh, jeez. I don't even wanna know what this is. I'm outta here."


Cruelty is cruelty, and it doesn't matter what the motivation might be. That's not the point, the point is what happened to the victim--their pain, their suffering. Period.


I haven't seen some of the movies on your list (I've avoided The Girl Next Store because I saw a Discovery ID segment on the real case and it was too depressing a subject matter), but Megan... is definitely the most repulsive piece of garbage I've ever seen. While its makers maybe wanted to pretend they were making a 'warning' film, they wallow in the sadism, humiliation and torture of these two, young teenage girls to such a degree that I really felt I needed a shower after watching this one. The perpetrator "spoiler" isn't even caught at the end leaving the viewer with no hope that even partial justice will be served (even though in real life, as I learned from this board, the perp was not only arrested, he was nearly killed in jail).
