You know, this is the reason that I am dumbfounded by people who claim that Zendaya was annoying in the Homecoming movies. Kirsten Dunst's character is possibly the most annoying character in any superhero movie ever, and the fact that Peter is in love with her makes his character kind of shallow. She has nothing going for her except for being pretty. I loved Zendaya in all of the Homecoming movies, but apparently a lot of people have only noticed how good she is since No Way Home. Weird.


Might be the just the way she talks, she talks really fast like she's always as hyper as Peter is before a quick pause then more fast speak.


When I was 10, Kirsten Dunst rocked my world. Watching them nowadays, I don’t find much wrong with her besides the cheesy lines, but it’s a comic book movie so whatever. I thought she really captured how conflicted MJ is with everything going on in her life. Really, her storyline and Peter’s mirror each other quite a bit.

Zendaya plays MJ fine if you’re into that type of girl.


I don't comprehend how you can be dumbfounded. I mean, like her all you want, but you are dumbfounded why others don't? She and Flash are so far removed from the characters they are inspired by that it's embarrassing.

MJ is a hot red head with a killer set of knockers who wants to be an actress. She makes everyone she talks to feel wanted by doing things like calling them "tiger". She has an It factor. She's popular and makes you feel special just by talking to you.

Michelle is a skinny flat-chested, moody, sarcastic Daria knock-off. She's awkward and spazzy. She talks incredibly fast and it's annoying to watch. Watching her, Ned, and Peter together makes my eyes and ears bleed. She sits in the corner making wise ass comments. She has no confidence whatsoever. You are "dumbfounded" why that isn't appealing to people?


That’s... actually the perfect way to describe Mary Jane and Zendaya's black MJ, and why people don't like the latter. I’m a little surprised.


I mean, her character was supposed to be awkward and nerdy. Yet these are some of the same qualities shared by Peter Parker, but Peter Parker doesn't annoy you. Weird.


Whatever she was supposed to be, she was annoying. Peter wasn’t annoying, weird 🤔


Nerds can be annoying. But the complaint seems to be more that she is not attractive. You are just supposed to believe that Peter would find her attractive. I find it hard to reconcile a heroic Peter Parker who is obsessed with a dumb, shallow, selfish character like Mary Jane. Peter liking MJ makes sense. He also found her annoying in the first movie, but gradually warmed to her and saw the better qualities she has. That's a lot more interesting than him falling in love with a popular pretty idiot.


I found her unattractive as well as annoying. In Homecoming she came across as a stalker who thought she was cool and mysterious. She was less stalker-y in FFH and NWH but she was still annoying and unattractive. Comicbook Mary Jane is cool, friendly, approachable, and hot, and while she's not a genius like Peter, she's definitely not "dumb" or an "idiot". Michelle Jones isn't dumb either, but her unlikable personality and unattractive looks outweigh any intelligence she might have.


The comicbook Marv Jane sounds cool. It's a shame that Kirsten Dunst's MJ was so annoying.


So if we're talking about movie Mary Jane, while I thought Kirsten was cute in the first movie, her novelty wore off in the sequels. Bryce Dallas Howard played Gwen Stacy in Spider-Man 3, but personality-wise, Bryce's Gwen was closer to comicbook MJ while Kirsten's MJ was closer to comicbook Gwen Stacy. Their roles were literally reversed for the Maguire movies. Comicbook MJ is one of the best girls of Marvel comics, if not comics in general.

As for Flash, Indian Flash is no better than White Flash. I personally didn't think he was funny nor was he convincing as a bully. He looks like one of the guys that would get bullied along with Peter. Comicbook Flash was a fanboy of Spider-Man, something the MCU Flash did. The other movie Flash's didn't get much screentime because frankly, they served their purpose after the first movie. At least the TASM Flash apologized to Peter for bullying him without ever knowing Pete was Spider-Man, something I appreciated. Comicbook Flash later went on to become a secret agent and served as a host for the Venom symbiote, but we don't need a movie of that. And honestly I can't see Indian Flash as a cool-looking Agent Venom.


Oh, now we're going the sexist route....

Holland's Peter can be VERY annoying, but even if he wasn't, it's not sexist to call 1 woman annoying.


No, it makes total sense that you wouldn't find her appealing when you find a narcissistic, selfish annoying character like Kirsten Dunst's MJ appealing. Flash is far removed from the generic character of the comics, which is a good thing. MIchelle is nothing like Mary Jane, which is a great thing. I like a lot that they are nothing like the bland cliched characters they are based on.


*says comicbook MJ is cliche and bland* lol 😆

*implies MCU Flash is somehow less bland* LOL 😂

I won’t defend Kirsten Dunst though. Bryce Dallas Howard didn’t even play MJ and she was a better MJ than Kirsten and Zendaya combined.


How is MCU flash bland? His character is amusing. Was the Jock Bully flash Thompson ever amusing? What were his defining characteristics that differentiate himself from the other thousand characters in various fiction with exactly the same traits?


"His character is amusing."

Dude, you have awful tastes. You're the only person on the planet who has ever defended this version of Flash Thompson.


Maybe if you talked to people who are not anally retentive dorks who get their panties in a twist when any comicbook character get's changed, no matter how minor or bland the original character was.


You are "dumbfounded" people don't like Michelle, find it "hard to believe" Peter would like a hot popular chick like MJ, and find the MCU Flash amusing....

There's a reason everyone is giving you shit or disagreeing with you, these are truly some awful takes.


Everyone? lol...

I can understand Peter having a crush on a hot(above average) girl when he was in High-school. Peter had a crush on a hot popular girl In Homecoming. But he grew out of it. Being obsessed with a shallow,above average looking, selfish, narcissistic and annoying girl over 3 movies after he has become Spider-man, experienced the death of his uncle and fought numerous villains, that is not just "hard to believe" it's ridiculous.


Repeating yourself over-and-over doesn't make your bad takes any better.

Flash Thompson amusing, HA! And I thought the MJ comment was bad, imagine defending the MCU Flash Thompson.


Read over your last 3 posts and tell me again how I am repeating myself.


I concur. Having a wife and mistress which is only 2 is tough enough!
