So if we're talking about movie Mary Jane, while I thought Kirsten was cute in the first movie, her novelty wore off in the sequels. Bryce Dallas Howard played Gwen Stacy in Spider-Man 3, but personality-wise, Bryce's Gwen was closer to comicbook MJ while Kirsten's MJ was closer to comicbook Gwen Stacy. Their roles were literally reversed for the Maguire movies. Comicbook MJ is one of the best girls of Marvel comics, if not comics in general.
As for Flash, Indian Flash is no better than White Flash. I personally didn't think he was funny nor was he convincing as a bully. He looks like one of the guys that would get bullied along with Peter. Comicbook Flash was a fanboy of Spider-Man, something the MCU Flash did. The other movie Flash's didn't get much screentime because frankly, they served their purpose after the first movie. At least the TASM Flash apologized to Peter for bullying him without ever knowing Pete was Spider-Man, something I appreciated. Comicbook Flash later went on to become a secret agent and served as a host for the Venom symbiote, but we don't need a movie of that. And honestly I can't see Indian Flash as a cool-looking Agent Venom.