Kendall's sleep paralysis
I'm sure some of you may think that is something that was made up for the show, but it is real. I know this because I have experienced it as well. Not recently, thank goodness, but it is disconcerting, as you think you are awake, but you can't move. As Kendall says, it usually ends after a minute or two. I know for me, it's like a jolt when I fully wake up. It hasn't happened that often, and I've experienced no lingering affects from it, so I've never mentioned it to a doctor any anyone else, actually. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has experienced it.
The only difference, I've always experienced it while sleeping in my bed, unlike Kendall who experienced it on airplanes (I don't have sleep paralysis on planes because I don't sleep on planes, period. I never really have been able to, so I avoid red-eye flights). I guess as much as she travels, it's unavoidable (especially living on the west coast, where sometimes the only option for traveling east that will fit in your schedule is a red-eye). I live on the east coast, so I would only experience a red-eye maybe if traveling to Europe, which I have no plans to do in the forseeable future.