It's not good.

First issue: the daughters behavior. I don't mind kids being dopey, but these performances were impressions. Bill and Ted were products of the late 80's California burnouts. The girls should have had some personality fro. Their moms added to the character (not that there's much to work with). Just, have something that separates the performance so it's more than an impression of the original characters.

Second issue: undoing the success of #2. Bogus Journey added a great end to the characters ARC. Going back to subvert that success was a cheap way to add a third film. You can have the success of Bonus Journey and tell a story about them being hapless dads of success getting to know their kids.

Third issue: the end. It sucks. The music idea of everyone playing is awful.

It has fun moments, but it's not really worth the time. 4/10


You are correct, sir
