MovieChat Forums > An Angel Named Billy (2007) Discussion > Awful Movie....what happened to our comm...

Awful Movie....what happened to our comments?

An Angel Named Billy was the worst gay-themed movie I have ever seen, bar none.

I wrote an in-depth comment about it, explaining why. I will not waste my time doing it again, because something fishy is going on here.

At the time I wrote my comment, there was another comment on here that also justifiably savaged this film. Mine was a bit more tongue-in-cheek, as I think that fans of bad movies might get a kick out of it.

Having said that, this is the first time I have ever sent in a user comment that did not get posted (without even sending me an explanation).

And now, the other comment on here somehow no longer exists.

Draw your own conclusions.


That is interesting and funny that whis happened tonight, I just finished tongith going thru FF to "view" this movie and trying to find any "good parts". Sorry I agree there are no good parts. As for what someone said about feel good movies and romantic at heart, I reccomend, "Latter Days" and "All over the Guy"


Thanks for letting me know there are no good parts. I won't waste my time.



I was able to watch the whole thing without shutting it off. It's ok. I'll just say that. I don't like to dig at gay themed movies too much, because I remember when there weren't any. These guys tried and I give them credit for that.

A bright spot was Kaydyr Gutierrez. That guy has the potential to be a great actor.



You've obviously not seen a little flick called "Murder in Portland" Ugh. See my review on (it contains quotes from Vida Boheme from "To Wong Foo" and Janice from "Friends.")

Anyway, this film had a LOT of potential but fell way short. Thomas was WAY over the top. I'd rather have seen Patrick Swayze's Vida play Thomas. James was just too dang old. Should have been a mid-to-late-20s grad student working on his MFA in photography; his interaction with Billy would not have been as creepy as it was....sorry, earlier reviewer: it was creepy, especially that LEER when he was "looking in on" Billy while Billy was sleeping. Gave me the heebie-jeebies.

Billy's narrative at the beginning of the movie should have referenced how he had been a nurse's aide "in town" for a few years. That at least would have given some credence to his being hired as a home health aide for a stroke victim with not much more than a "nice to meet you; when can you start" kind of interview! If I ever get incapacitated, I hope to god my son would have the brains to at least ask for references!

The actor portraying Mark was excellent, I think. As someone said elsewhere, it's probably not the easiest thing to act using only half your facial muscles.

Guy was very sweet, and despite what some have said, NOT unrealistic. There ARE people out there that would do just what Guy did and nothing more. Sorry none of you have ever met anyone like that. It's attitudes like yours that give us all a bad name in the str8 world! How can we expect THEM to believe we're not all perpetually sex-obsessed, walking libidos if we can't believe it ourselves???

And if I see one more stereotypical hateful, bible-thumping-with-a-shot-of-booze-in-hand "Christian" in a gay movie, I'm gonna puke. You'd think that people who have suffered unfair prejudice would rise above doing the same thing to another group.


Are you insane in some way? This movie was by far one of the best I have ever seen. The writting was excellent and the actors did an amazing job. I am sure what rock you live under, but you should stay there! This was an excellent story and with an happy ending. We as the gay community need alot more Happy Endings!


In order for your comment to be true, one of the following statements must also be true...

A) this is the only movie you have ever seen in your life
B) you were in some way involved with the making or distributing of it
C) someone you care about was involved with the making or distributing of it
D) all of the above


jezzdogg pretty much said it all. This film was pretty abysmal. It takes a lot for me to hate a gay flick where no one drops dead from AIDS, kills thmeselves, etc. and that ends on a note of boy-gets-boy. However, in this case, I'm making an exception. The ridiculously beautiful kid who played Billy was great eye candy, but unfortunately, neither he nor anyone else in this amateurish piece could act their way out of a cardboard box, and James absolutely gave me the willies. Every element of his character spoke of someone who lurks in the shadowy corner of the playground, whispering, "Hey little boy, can you help me find my lost dog?" to every kid who walks by. <shudder> I spent several years of my life warning my kids about people like him....


I'm a fan of bad movies and watched this with my boyfriend tonight...and we got a kick out of it! It is a bad movie afterall, though...not even Lifetime worthy! lol
