What was Neo's fight over in The Matrix Resurrections ?
In the original Matrix in 1999, Thomas Anderson (Not yet Neo) had to contend with his belief, consciousness and will to fight the program to eventually break the program. Thus becoming Neo "the one" who achieved what nobody ever did or could. There is a huge emphasis and drama on him becoming "the one".
From what I can discern Thomas Anderson in the The Matrix Resurrections (2021), lacked all ambition in his day time job, had a dodgy friend with no drama itself. In one scene Thomas Anderson is sitting on the toilet, trousers down. The psychologist giving Thomas Anderson crappy advice and tablets. That was half of the boring movie. Thomas Anderson was getting drunk on roof top when Bugs pulled Thomas Anderson back from the edge and that was it. Thomas Anderson remained Thomas Anderson and was transported out of the Matrix back to real world. The training montage replicated again, the return back to the Matrix with his only "power push" as his Street fighter 2 "special move" and no ability to fly yet.
By the end Thomas Anderson is still Thomas Anderson as it took Trinity to fly in the end, who had no training and no build up to how Trinity was able to acheive the ability to fly.
Compared to the first Matrix, the viewer is taken on a step by step journey from program reality (being metaphysical), into the actual real world, then dramatically overcoming the false nature of the Matrix program. To get to Neo was "heuristic" meaning enabling someone to discover or learn something for themselves.
Why did the writers not see that The Matrix Resurrections (2021) had such a major floor in the film?