the movie is well made...

but the story is not great, but interesting. if it was a stand alone sci-fi, having nothing to do with The Matrix, it could have been really cool, well done, maybe interesting things going on, but as a Matrix tack-on, everything is just brought down below the original.

sets, lighting, effects, audio and all that is top dollar, well made... too bad it wasn't a new idea, and just a remix of the old one. it's hard to look at it with fresh eyes.

what a waste.


Yeah, such a waste… no Larry Fishburne and replacing Morpheus with black Dr Manhattan and not getting the actual actors to replace them with younger shittier azzholes? Gross 🤮


I agree that it looked professionally made, but did not look like a "Matrix movie" to me.

The story was even worse.


The scene at the Simullate where Trinity had to chose between Neo and her Matrix life. It looked like a TV movie for me.


The strangest thing about the movie is that I don't think the action is that impressive and that has been a hallmark for the earlier films was their action scenes, the fights, the CGI work. This was pretty bland in terms of spectacle tbh.


Agree to all of the above.

Simply "meh"
