MovieChat Forums > The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Discussion > If humans scorched the earth's sky so th...

If humans scorched the earth's sky so the AI couldn't get energy from the sun...

...then why doesn't Skynet from the Terminator movies have the same problem when the nuclear winter it causes happens?

It just shows that the Matrix movie premise for AI is DUMB.


The original idea was the machines using human brains as RAM or something, but it was deemed too complicated for test audience.


I never heard that but it sounds sensible... at least by comparison with the totally inane power generation thing. I always thought there might be a secret explanation, just to keep from snickering at the premise.


That is false, and double false.

1. They alwasy want to use human as energy source.

2. There is no way they change it for "test audience".


I'm no expert but the entire premise of the movie is dumb. Using humans as energy sources. In order for human body to emit heat you have to feed it with food which requires energy to produce.


This. The physics of the Matrix movies has always been ridiculous, but that's forgivable because it's clear they're aware, and simply don't care. . .they just establish broad concepts, and proceed to focus on other aspects of storytelling.

Depending on your perspective, this will vary in importance. Of course.


Maybe in the future they found ways to make food into liquid nutrients of sort that are high in protein and vitamins, basic stuff that takes less energy to make. I mean today we feed cows and shit tons of feed just to get some of their meat. We feed more than we get out of them.


Nah. Without getting into the specifics, the concept of using humans as "batteries" simply doesn't work. It's pretty fundamental: it would have to be passive/chemical in nature, and the effort of maintaining/feeding people alone would take more energy than you could possibly harvest. Then you'd have to factor in birth/death considerations, maintaining the larger infrastructure, waste, etc, etc. . .

Maintaining the Matrix itself would take an *immense* amount of energy/resources, alone.

Nah. It's an intrinsically flawed concept, that sounds "kewl." Period.




What AI built in the movie is just a variant of perpetual motion machine, which is an impossibility.

Also without the sun, Earth would fall into a perpetual winter, the only thing AI should be worrying about is people all frozen. Human generating heat? They need to generate enough heat to stop people frozen to death.


Also without the sun all the plants and trees will be dead, nothing will generate oxygen, humans are only consuming it, so it won't be long before all people are suffocated.

So the science of this movie was ridiculous, but we just ignore it.


The whole ‘Matrix’ has been going on for how many centuries and the machine AI atilk hasn’t figured out a way to either clean the atmosphere or rise above it somehow to get energy… mine uranium and process it for massive nuclear energy plants, wind/wave energy alone probably still supplies more energy than how many billions of ‘copper tops’ why is it that when there’s a Matrix movie the people are in iur current era? In the first one they were using flip fones, now they have iPhones… why not keep the people in the 1800’s when no one had computers and people questioned less and wouldn’t question reality?


What do you think all those wires in people plugged into the Matrix are for? People aren't just sitting there miraciously staying alive without food, air, or water - the machines are clearly keeping people alive.


Maybe, but that means they had to use energy to produce that food. And energy doesn't come from nowhere. So why use it on humans when they could use it directly to power themselves? Using humans as medium doesn't give you additional net energy.


They feed liquified dead people to the living people.


Is this ever mentioned in the movie?


I think it was mentioned in the first movie


A technically unfeasible contrivance in a sci-fi movie?



Best answer here! :)


It's as dumb as Star Wars: Jedi, The Force, midichlorians, etc.


Neither the Jedi nor the Force are "dumb" concepts. The attempt to explain them with something like "midichlorians" is, however, breathtakingly stupid.


You're breathtaking!


I've been accused of such, before. . .


Yeah but thats just a fantasy setting with magic, not sci-fi.


The Matrix is just a kungfu flick with slow motions, not sci-fi.


If all you see is the action scenes then the movie is so far above your head you wouldnt see it even if you looked up.




I've wondered about that since that scene in third film, in which Neo and Trinity breach the clouds on their ship - if they could do that on a salvaged piece of junk, there's no conceivable reason why the machines couldn't simply build solar power towers.

The whole humans-as-batteries thing was always stupid, if you think about it, but at least the movies were (mostly) good.


I'm trying hard not to justify much of the premise of The Matrix universe's logic, but the reason the robots couldn't erect towers for solar power was because the entire cloud-space was an EMP field, hence why when Trinity and Neo breached the clouds it shorted out the ship (though, why it was able to be rebooted so quickly didn't make a lot of sense).


Skynet doesn't run on solar power. It doesn't depend on humans for their survival. The machines in The Matrix do.


"Skynet doesn't run on solar power. It doesn't depend on humans for their survival. The machines in The Matrix do."
I as much as SAID THAT. I just didn't use the obvious words.


Why would Skynet run into the same problems when they aren't solar powered?


"Why would Skynet run into the same problems when they aren't solar powered?"
I never said Skynet was solar powered. What's wrong with you?


How fucking thick are you? Why would SKYNET - from THE TERMINATOR - run into a problem based on something that affects the machines in THE MATRIX?


They're both sentient artificial AIs, but the Wachowskis' choice of solar power for a post-apocalyptic nuclear winter is ridiculous. And their reasoning behind the Matrix machines' workaround of using humans for energy (impossible) is DUMB. Skynet has nuclear reactors powering it, which work in any weather conditions.

Seriously, the Wachowskis' green energy message is dumb.


You're avoiding the question. Did you finally realize the hole in your argument?


I realise I could've worded my OP better, yes. I can see the confusion it would cause.


The funniest thing about this woke Green energy propaganda is that Nuclear☢️ Power is too🤣🤣🤣.Yeah it's so dumb but the Matrix saga is good


then why doesn't Skynet from the Terminator movies have the same problem when the nuclear winter it causes happens?

Skynet does not run into the same problem when the nuclear winter it causes happens because Skynet doesn't run on solar power.


I hope for his sake he's trolling, because if he isn't, he is DUMB.


"Skynet does not run into the same problem when the nuclear winter it causes happens because Skynet doesn't run on solar power."
Because Skynet is better than that dumb creation of the Wachowskis.


Incoherent logic there. Citing one particular problem that the Machines face, but that Skynet does not, doesn't demonstrate that Skynet is better.

For instance, you made a thread to ask a question you already know. So this thread is stupid.
Does that make me a better person than you? Of course not. I'm sure there are some things you do well, but I do not too.


Why? Because this is all "Fiction":

literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes IMAGINARY EVENTS AND PEOPLE.

Feels like fictional movies are not allowed to incorporate "fiction" in them anymore.


Why? Because this is all "Fiction"



It's not reality......!
