Did this bother anyone else?
There is a scene in this remake where the cameraman hands his camera to someone else and just for a moment you see his face on screen. To me, this moment ruined the whole point of the original.
I love the fact that you never see the cameraman in the original. It allows you to enter the story by imagining yourself in the place of the cameraman. That was what made the film so intense. It's the only film I can think of that so perfectly achieves the effect of putting the audience right in the action.
I'm sure this was done so that the actor could get himself seen and, to me, that's just one small example of how egos and contracts can get in the way of storytelling and it's just typical of why I don't think any good horror films in the last few years have come from American studios.
Also, what the everloving *beep* was up with that ending. Rabies? A room full of caged rats? Is that supposed to be scary?