I hate this film
So one day I saw a low-budget spanish horror film called REC that really, deeply affected me. I rank it as one of my favourite horror films of all time. Then, just a few months later, out comes an American remake. "Oh well, we all know most american audiences are too lazy or stupid to read subtitles, so it was inevitable that something like this would happen considering how good the film is", I thought to myself. "At least this way they'll attract a bit of extra attention to the original from people who might otherwise never have heard of it".
how wrong I was, they threw so much money at the marketing that once it came out I saw no advertising for the original's DVD release or the sequel, I only ever saw adverts for "quarantine" and they never mentioned anywhere on any of the advertising that it was a remake.
Then I actually watched the film (illegally for free, I might add, I'm not spending any money on this turd) and its just a shot-for-shot remake with the only thing they changed being the ending and somehow they managed to turn that from the best part of the film into a boring anti-climax (Rabies is not scarier than demonic possession, idiots!)
So, to sum up: Small spanish studio makes breakout horror film that does some business and gains much critical praise for being a genuinely scary and inventive film. Immediately after that an American company comes along and makes an almost identical copy of the same film with worse actors and a rubbish ending which then vastly outsells the original which most people who go to see this film will never even have heard of.
God, I hate the film industry.