Camera man b.s

Camera man kills a zombie with his camera and immediately zooms in on reporter chick.. ahahaha laughable.. especially after he seemed so shaken up about it.... :)



What's even more ludicrus in these kinds of movies is how people hang on to their cameras, because documenting something like this is more important than using your hands to save your life. Not to mention their bogus instinctive reactions, anyone else would have an instinctive reaction to put their hands up and defend themselves when someone charges them but these idiots just keeps on filming.





Worse yet, camera man puts no force in killing the woman - the cam moves up and down slowly.

There's no way a camera could withstand the impact of killing someone.


I take it you don't know any photojournalists, do you. They routinely put their work ahead of their lives. I'd show you but you're not worth my time, google it, moron.

Look at the big numbers of embedded photojournalists who have been killed during war time. It's something someone as narrow minded would never be able to grasp or even understand, but it's true. Some people do their jobs.

For the record my cousin once removed was on the camera crew for a documentary show about japanese whaling but she had a boat accident and drowned after being run over by a boat in choppy waters.


You expect me to find proof of people keeping on filming instead of saving their lives by googling "photojournalist"? Who's the moron here, really?

Journalists get killed in warzones, yes. That's a whole different thing, an unarmed person who doesn't carry a camera is just as vulnerable there. We're talking about defending yourself in a brawl here, not dodging bullets and explosions.

And no, I don't know any photojournalists. The closest thing I get to the press is a PR-officer. I did however have a film-crew in my apc for a time when I was in afghanistan, they seemed smart enough to realise that their life was worth more than a roll of film.

But I guess if someone came up to you in the street and said "your money or your life" you'd choose to keep your money? Same argument.
