I know at the end the last scene isn't quite explained. I haven't seen both versions in about 2 years but I saw the very last scene of REC again last night.
In REC, was the creepy thin woman that killed the camera man the little girl grown up that was in the newspaper clippings said to be possessed? In the audio tape the characters listened to, there was a mans voice and he said something like how the only way to stop the possessed little girl was to lock her up in a room and never let her out.
And then in Quarantine, they changed it to a creepy thin guy. Was he supposed to be the scientist that was trying to make a virus? What exactly was he trying to do?
Or am I completely wrong and they weren't even human and it's not explained at all?
Also, what's the deal with the kid in both films that scares the camera man when he looks into the attic before getting attacked by the thin person (or whatever it was supposed to be)?
I wasn't too sure whether it was a man or a woman at the end. I thought that it was the scientist who had acidentally become infected, but then when the person attacks the cameraman, it looked more like a woman.
Anyway, is REC better than Quarantine or are they as good as each other, they just differ in details?
I swear this arguing happens everytime a remake of a foriegn film is done, can't you people just get along and love the same story reguardless of what version it is ?
LTROI and LMI are the newest with the foriegn vs american, can't we just like the story they are based on instead of the petty "you stole our film" conversation ?
"Always two there are , a master and an apprentice"
I completely agree with you Naokot99. You're understanding, and argument to both films.
REC - I just finished watching this movie today for the first time ever. Quite honestly, I finished it understanding the plot of the movie in a whole new way. The tape at the ending of the film, which was in both movies. Explains the plot of the upstairs apartment more clear than any scene in Quarantine. At the end of the movie Quarantine, you just get a muffle evil dead sounding recording. The tape explains nothing in Quarantine, and just gives you a room filled with apocalyptic doomsday pictures. I won't say REC is a better film than Quarantine, I do appreciate Quarantine and the horror elements it offered and added to the story. But REC by far is much more of an original film. To know that in the movie REC there are no built sets, and that scenes happened without the actors knowledge like the falling body from the stairs. It blows my mind.
Quarantine - It scared the hell out of my ex-girlfriend when we watched it in theatres. For that you got to appreciate it for trying. Especially with remakes nowadays, I mean remakes for the most part, suck. You know? Still, I much rather watch Quarantine, than Cloverfield or Diary of the Dead. Similar movies sharing the first person camera view. I also thought the mad scientist was the one locked in his own apartment at the end. When in the movie REC it was the possessed female you never heard about in the movie Quarantine. If the story is completely the same. Then it could've fooled me, the skinny (person) at the end of Quarantine clearly looks and sounds like a man. The skinny person at the end of Quarantine is even played by the actor Doug Jones, who's known for his weird dressed-up roles in movies like Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy, Silver Surfer etc. I'd love to know the exact ending of Quarantine now! REC, does have a much more believable skinny person at the end of the movie. But is shot better scene-by-scene in Quarantine.
Overall, I recommend watching both movies. In so many cases I don't recommend watching the original and remake. You can almost never compare the two, they're either seperated by decades or entire plots. But in this case, the movies are so similar, yet so different. They will surprise you. What a great pair of movies and story.
Lastly, I love Jennifer Carpenter and anything she's involved with such as the Dexter series. But I really-really like Manuela Velasco, the lead female reporter in REC. She's pretty and she screams lol. If she can't help you get over the spanish subtitles in REC, then I don't know what will. ;)
Thank you for your review,it was very usefull.I have to say though that REC is a lottle better thn quarantine in many terms...they are both great movies,and i lookin forward for the next installments in the REC series
If you listen carefully they talk about the "monster"/person that shows up in the attic briefly in the beginning. One of the tenants mentioned that there was a guy that lived in the attic, but no one had heard from or seen him in a long time. I think they said he hadn't been seen for about two years, which would explain the long hair and thin body (however it doesn't explain how he lived for two years without food, lol). Then when they show all the articles and other stuff in the attic, they were trying to hint that this "monster" was a person who became infected...or more specifically a terrorist or something testing items they stole from the CDC and tried to make a virus that would lead to armageddon. I assume the testing got out of hand or the virus was just really strong and the guy was infected and then somehow infected the dog. That's how the virus started spreading in the building.
No. Unless you are talking about REC (which I havent seen but now want to badly as I prefer foreigns/originals anyway), they talk about only an OLD LADY who was hiding in her apartment for two years... she's the first one they go to and she attacks... and from there on it's Night of the Living Dead. They never mentioned a scientist nor what the grumbled demonic message on that tape recorder meant. This all frustrates me. Obviously I rented the wrong film, because the ending was *beep* if they didn't feel the need to explain the story.
And BTW, the "vet" was an idiot. Rabies can be cured by prophylactics if administered immediately after a bite. There were so many plotholes in this film I'm surprised there's not a 100 Things I Learned from Quarantine thread by now on here.
Good writer as a pseudo but you are not totaly wright about the rabies. It can be cure if treated rapidly, as the vet said, and not after the first symptoms are here. Wich is partly true, as seen with the milwaukee protocol, but this is a recent method and it was a common knowledge before to assume you were dead if the syptoms where here. Sorry for the english, not a native speaker
from what i can tell, the person in the attic is the same person that killed the reporter and the camaraman. it's not the little girl. i could see how that could confuse a person due to the skinny body, long hair and droopy skin on the chest that looks like sagging breast. plus this person that's in the attic is the same person that started this whole rabies thing. he was using rats as test subjects after he stole this virus from the cdc.
one of the rats broke out of the cage (you can see a broken cage in the room)and then bit the dog that was taken to the vet that the cdc man was talking about. the rat also infected another dog, the lil girl, and other residents like mrs. espinoza.
from what i can tell by the clippings, the scientist was part of some doomsday cult that was trying to start the end of the world by spreading the virus and maybe coming up with a cure to prevent his other cult followers from getting infected. why else would he be testing the rabies if it's already deadly and ready to use.
i don't think the man was living up their for 2 years infected. i'm thinking he was stuck in their for a few weeks or months from what i remember hearing the landlord say.
I recently watched Quarantine 2 which actually ties in and takes place around the same time as Quarantine. According to the sequel, the creepy thin man in the apartment was most likely a human experimentation created by the scientist to find a cure for the virus. The scientist fled the apartment taking the virus with him on the plane that obviously starts a new outbreak that scared the piss out of my girlfriend
Actually, the actor who plays the skinny man in the attic in the first one stated that he was the one who created the virus and caused the outbreak and he was his own test subject. There were others in the cult, like the guy on the plane in the second one who are still trying to spread it.
Quarantine copies things from Rec like the slow tape, and the newspaper articles, but the original takes more time to explain this.
In Rec, there's a more supernatural element to all of this... ... in Rec 2, there's also a discovery they make regarding light and darkness, which explains why the skinny person even appears.
But I thought even in Quarantine, it looks more like a woman than a man.
They said it was a guy from Madrid that owned the penthouse, but he hadn't been seen in some years. The thing in the attic that hit Pablo's camera was an infected boy (I don't know where he came from...). The tall skinny thing in the tighty-whities had breasts, so I assumed it was a woman (maybe the "possessed" girl from the Vatican that Madrid-man was supposed to execute, according to the tape).