Only 1 thing Quarantine managed to do better
It was right in the end when they played that creepy tape recorder in backround. In that scene they didn't read what was in wall what previous owner has left there. I do not understand why this have to be mentioned in rec. You can let it as mystery and let audience decide themselves.
I watched both in 130 inch projector dark rom. I just couldn't get into quarantine because it didn't felt nearly as convincing. Actors felt like robots while in spanish version it felt more natural and real (and im not even spanish). It felt like overproduced hollywood type movie to me with special effects and whatnot. Also ending in rec was way better. Ending especially in rec was creepiest scene I've seen. That creepy thing looked so real.
I still give it 7.0 + it beats other crap movies like conjuring. This is all matter of taste of course but personally I hate 90% of so called horror movies out there so I'm very picky.