Only 88 minutes????
Wow, I expected at least 2 hours.
shareI'd rather have a short and tightly woven thriller than a movie that drags and never gains momentum.
shareIt would drag on at more than 90 minutes. They will likely spend 10 - 15 minutes introducing the main characters, and then get to the announcement and killing a few people to show they are serious. This leaves about an hour to show the effect of people realizing that it is not a joke and that it is kill or be killed.
I like these type of movies but the premise does not lead itself to a long movie.
IMHO a film should be about 85-100 minutes.
Any shorter it's rushed.
Any drags on.
But when it's longer than 2 hours and 10 minutes......then it's really a huge cramping drag.
"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"
the idea was good, but considering the result, i'd say one could it down to 30 minutes without losing anything.
shareI thought it was a bit rushed. They could've spent more time on the intro explaining more about the Belko concept. They could've shown what they've been doing for a year before the experiment. They could've created an eerie feeling that something was dodgy about the Belko company increasing the tension.
The storyline was good, but it seemed rushed the way it was executed.
I think it's good that they got into the action when they did. Don't want to drag it out for too long.
I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-