If you think of it, the couples were not THAT unrealistic...
Age wise:
- Age difference was no more than 11 years I think for the spouses (Bateman and Bell).
- The black dude was obviously trying to relive his youth hence a 20 year old party girl.
Looks wise:
- Admitted, no 44 year old (Kristin Davis) looks that good unless she lives in the gym and has godly genes. The other girls were in their 20's and 30's so they looking that good is believable,l even with kids.
- Except for the morbidly obese black dude (no way that chick aint with him for anything except his wallet) and flaky Bateman (who looks like he's never exercised in his life), the other guys didn't actually look that bad. They in fact looked like strong burly guys simply past their prime (both Vaughn an Fabreau lacked beer bellies and are barrel chested & wide shouldered, no way they weren't active/jocks when young). And in real life girls sometimes do like "ugly"/"coarse" guys with strong personality (Fabreau).
Even Jean Reno (Marcel) is a strongly build dude simply out of shape (but at least he was early 60's here, has more excuse than the others).
The only truly unrealistic thing is that the hot wives lacked suitors left and right to entertain the very real option of cheating (middle class wonderbread white dudes stuck with out of shape soccer moms would be fawning over them everywhere they coincided)