Why didn't Kate just fight for her OWN medical emancipation?
It's been awhile since I've seen this movie to entirety so I could be forgetting some details, but as I remember, it was shown the reason Anna fought for the rights to her own body wasn't for herself after all, but was actually Kate's idea because she wanted to be allowed to die in peace. Certainly, I think, after all Kate had been through, she deserved the right to die with dignity, but why ask Anna to create a situation that caused animosity between herself and her parents when surely Kate could have gone to court herself and sued for her own right to refuse anymore treatment for her illness? Even if the truth had never come out and Kate had still been alive after Anna won the case, Sara probably still wouldn't have given up on finding a donor kidney, and one very well could have become available. No doubt she then would insist Kate have the transplant. Even without being able to rely on Anna, Sara never would have accepted the reality that she couldn't save her dying daughter and who could blame her? It seems it would have made more sense for Kate to be the one to pursue the right to make her own medical decisions rather than Anna.