So she was...

Possessed by some kind of malevolent demon? Was she the ghost of Glenda's mother?

The woman guest (Mair) mentioned something about how "she would need a body when she returned" and she was frightened that the area called "the rise" was disturbed. That sounded like a local legend or something.

I wanted to like this, and I'm not saying I didn't. But I'm trying to make sense of it. What happened here? She brought out some madness in these people, and destroyed them all. Why?


Watching it now and I have absolutely no idea. I guess she is some type of forest spirit that inhabited Cadi's body. My best hypothesis is that this spirt was some how "awoken" when they started mining the land, but they specifically said they hadn't mined anything in "The Rise" yet, which is why they were trying to convince Mair and her husband to lease out their land, so I'm not sure if even that makes sense.

Bizarre flick.


Cadi was in a car accident. The demon of The Rise needs a body to return so she takes Cadi's body. And I guess the demon (without explanation) is able to possess everyone. That's what I got although as the previous poster said they hadn't yet disturbed The Rise. It is a very slow, very bizarre movie that took me three days to finish.


Just watched this last night and yeah you really need a good attention span to be able to understand what's going on.
