I'm 30 and have never had a girlfriend. I hate my life.
I'll be 30 in a few months.
I've never had a girlfriend and have never been in a relationship. I feel very lonely.
I've had sex once in my life, when I was 27. It was pay-sex, in a brothel. I wanted to know what sex is like.
I have a low-paying job. It's my first real job ever and I got it a couple of months ago. Before that, I lived off of state welfare checks. My mother never worked, so as a kid we all lived off of welfare checks. I had a bad childhood.
I have 1-2 friends. These friends are kinda like me.
I'm both a very interested and interesting person, but don't have any real hobbies besides watching movies, playing video games or reading books.
When around strangers, I always think/feel that I'm not good enough.
I feel very lonely. I think I hate my life.
So..I'm going to try this "say yes to (almost) everything" thing.
Maybe I'll regret having created this thread and delete it later. Because I like movies and IMDB, and I don't want everyone who clicks on my nickname to see my message board history and to know what I weird person I am.
Maybe it will just be this one post.
But maybe I'll keep it updated.