I am a major fan of the original and
I LOVE the remake!
I just got back from seeing it with my mum and sister, all giant fans of the original, and it was just brilliant!
Don't get me wrong, not all remakes are good and this isn't as good as the original but its pretty close! I loved the beginning, how the basically re-enacted the scene where Ren teaches Willard how to dance among other scenes.
I also had a great audience! When the film and the music started everyone cheered and started clapping along and then when the lyrics started everyone, and I mean everyone, either had their feet on the seat in front of the, their feet dancing along back and forth on their feet were stamping the ground and everyone was singing along. Such a great moment!
When we were leaving the cinema, walking to the bus stop to get home, my mother turned to us and said "Many remakes are either bad or good but don't come close to the original. This, this came pretty damn close".
I know there will be haters but that's life! I thought this was a great movie and a great homage to the original without surpassing it.
It’s immortality, my darlings