MovieChat Forums > Footloose (2011) Discussion > Was this movie necesary?

Was this movie necesary?

The first one was a cheesy eighties movie that was ok for its time, but now I
don´t understand the reason why this movie was made. It is like the three stooges movie, if the old ones were funny, why was necessary to make a new version.
Footloose was a product of it´s time, now there was no reason to remake it. It doesn’t make sense. Probably is the eighties nostalgia (which is for me a very boring and dull decade, at least the first half).


It sure was.

It had been over 25 years since this movie had been done, and it was high time to rape a new teen generation for as much money as they could possibly whore without having to come up with an original idea.

Just re-shoot the same scenes and use the same dialogue, and change just enough to make it look like you've made a pathetic attempt to update it for the current times, and then laugh all the way to the bank.

It's a formula that has worked well for the movie-making business over the years, and as long the brain-dead zombies keep lining up to blindly go through the meat grinder one after the other after the other, it's never going to stop.


perhaps, many audience were not born yet to watch the 80's version in the movie theater, so the filmmakers attempted to re-create this re-make to cater their needs for the same same same except different faces and degree of success.


The weirdest thing was they even had some of the actors look like the originals, Miles Teller reminded me so much of the late Chris Penn, he also reminded me of John Cusak in his younger years.
