Who thought the marching band bullies was a good idea?
Seriously when in the history of planet earth has marching band members been like a squad of bullies acting like jocks?
It was fucking laughable when the skinny dude got out of the car in a lettermans jacket saying "yeah we're loading up the car, getting ready for the big game, we're in the fucking marching band" then proceeded to act tough and bully a 24 year old.
And just the actors they got playing them looked so fucking odd as a group, the leader was a skinny unimposing piss ant with a beyond fake accent, the other guy had some ugly mullet dressed like a hillbilly, the one girl had giant frizzy hair sticking everywhere dressed in sweatpants, then there was a tiny black girl, just such an odd collective group of people.
Why couldn't it have just been a group of football players or something? then it would actually make sense and be somewhat realistic that they could beat up a big dude like Corey whos in his 20's. The marching band geeks was so tiny next to him, it looked ridiculous they was bullying him. A group of muscled up football player jocks would've worked so much better.
I mean this is almost like the chess club nerds being bullies and riding around like jocks, the marching band is just barely a step above them on the social ladder in highschool.