Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993) is better than this shitheap and so is Jason X (2001).
At least JGTH has nudity, Jason is decent when he's actually on screen, a few decent kills (an awesome tent kill if I recall correctly) and it's kind of funny at times. Not to mention the ending is awesome with Freddy's glove coming out of the ground.
Don't ge me wrong JGTH is still a bastardization of the lore and a poor film overall. But it's so much better than Ends it's hilarious. How can a film be so bad?
Jason X is basically a parody. It's stupid fun. Like Jason Lives...in space! Not good but at least you can laugh at it. Some good kill scenes, some funny moments, some nudity. It delivers some entertainment value.
Can anyone name a big slasher franchise entry worse than Halloween Ends?
Every single F13, Child's Play, ANOES & Scream film beats this abomination.
I know some people don't like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation (1994) but it's hilarious, has nudity (always a big plus) and McConaughey gives a truly outstanding performance. Amazing, amazing performance. Also Zellwegger was a decent final girl.
This film truly is the worst of the worst.