Turned into an overdramatic soap opera...
This and the 2018 film turned Halloween into an overdramatic soap opera with Michael Myers killing random people in the background, the old sequels had all the right to be overdramatic and still weren't like that; for me, for these new films to work, they should have aknowledged at least the second original film, get rid of Laurie or put her in a cameo along with all the returning cast or continue the story no more than 10 years after 1978.
The way the story is right now had me cringing through all of the movie, in the original film Tommy and Lindsay were kept like 15 feet away from Michael and of course were completely ignored by him, now they add Lonnie who supposedly had an encounter with Michael, I mean, in the original film the other bully kid that Michael grabs by the arms then had it worse (but I wouldn't be surprised if they show him as an insane patient in Smiths Grove in the next film), anyway, they all act like they are some Vietnam veteran war survivors, Laurie was a grown woman already she should have known better and overcome her trauma to be a functional adult (just like the Laurie in H20 did even though that movie does aknowledge H2), this version of Laurie is just unbelievable and absolutely ridiculous.