MovieChat Forums > Halloween Kills (2021) Discussion > Not great but not terrible (spoilers)

Not great but not terrible (spoilers)

Love how Michael slashes away at woke ideology.Kills crossdresser Kid, Kills old interracial couple, kills annoying black couple(hilarious), kills gay couple then slashes the shit out of the vigilante towns people come to stop him. Sets up the next one where I'm sure Girl Power Laurie Strode saves the day but in this one the "bad guy" definitely wins

Dialogue was horrible as were the sub plots but what do you expect from a slasher



Oh dear lord, Laurie didn't get taken out in this film? Why must Halloween films always have Laurie Strode in them? She is not integral to the setup.


Good thing is she wasn't in it much and stuck healing up in the hospital


Dr. Loomis was always way more interesting than Laurie.


Exactly, they are attempting to make Laurie into a Loomis. It's not working. Her character was great in the first film, but not at all necessary in the 2018 film. Myers has escaped after 30 years, plot continues with no need for a random victim from the first film to be brought back with a grudge.


You forgot one of the asshole kids that was killed off-screen. Can't recall too many slasher movies or regular movies in general that have dealt with murdering children. Bravo Michael.


Was that the cross dresser kid at the beginning? I was making food when that happened


He was one of the three kids that tricked the gay couple out of their candy.


Oh shit yeah I guess I missed that too. Gonna have to rewatch tomorrow since it's free on Peacock


I'm referring to this new one. Not the 2018 film.


Yeah so am I. The new one is on Peacock for free


Oh interesting. It's showing to only to be available for premium users for me.


Yeah meaning you have to subscribe to peacock which I do so when I said for free I meant free if you subscribe to peacock




so then it costs to watch it or no?


If you subscribe to Peacock, it's free


Its not free. I just signed up to peacock to watch it and subscribing is free but then you need to pay for "premium service" to access this particular movie. So it does cost to watch it, FYI.


Subscribe as in you pay for the premium service not just sign up on the site..Ffs you're a slow one aren't ya


Yup. So you gotta pay 4.99 to watch Halloween Kills at the moment. I wonder how long until it actually becomes free though.


Off screen is chicken shit. Halloween III showed a boy dying in agony onscreen.


This was the one movie I skipped over but just saw the!


You should watch the movie


Yeah you should definitely watch Halloween 3. I didn't like it much when I was younger but now that I'm older I can appreciate it better


Yeah I think I may give it a go. I was a little hesitant being that Michael wasn't in it but nowadays I'm always down to expand my horizons.


Halloween III was ruthless af
also didn't all kids die at the end?

i don't remember exactly but i think that dude didn't stop the diabolical plan


It was left ambiguous, but it didn't look hopeful


That’s interesting you saw it that way. Or are you just trolling? I can’t tell.

I thought it was ‘inclusive’ without trying hard to be, without feeling contrived, which is my main grievance with woke stuff or whatever.

The movie didn’t have too much of an agenda, in my opinion. It seemed to me like an odd, mixed-bag homage to the franchise. It was kind of weird, to be honest.


Oh its inclusive alright in killing all the woketards. Michael Myers has never been so based


I thought it was ‘inclusive’ without trying hard to be, without feeling contrived, which is my main grievance with woke stuff or whatever.

They definitely went out of their way imo. The first clue was them emasculating the man amongst the black couple: "He's the nurse, I'm the doctor", having her handle the gun (only to blow her own head off). There was also the gay couple, who had more screen time than Laurie herself.


That was my favorite kill LOL her shooting at Michael all gangsta and he kicks the door at her turning the gun and blowing her head off



I felt like they were flipping traditional roles as like a tongue-in-cheek nod to that sort of thing. Like how the table of white people were getting rowdy, asked to be quiet. It got a smile out of me.


Yeah cause black people are never loud. Especially in movie theaters 🙄


Hence, flipping the roles, stereotypes. I guess that went over your head


He kills a gay couple? Now I have to watch this!


Yeah buddy rips one of their faces off LOL


Homophobic much?


Not at all. They don't scare me. They are just incredibly annoying whiny bitchy and I kinda enjoy seeing them getting a dose of what they dish out all the time 24/7 non-stop every year til the point I wish they would just go away. I say that as a person who used to support them. Then they turned into monsters. They are worse than the anti-LGTBQ ever were.


You’re nuts.


Nah he's 100% right


No, it's 'nuts' when people are fired from their jobs just because they express offensive words privately. Offensive to the LGBTQ. Or BLM. That is all nuts.


I’m sorry you got fired from your job?


No. But if I expressed any anti-LGBTQ sentiments, I certainly would be. Do you doubt that?


If I was your employer*, I would be concerned about your behavior. There is no reason you should be “anti” anyone for how they were born. Homosexuality is natural. It occurs in nature and is well studied, and nothing new. Get over it.

I wouldn’t want you working for me. You’re hateful and a liability.

NOW, if you have any logical and scientific reasons for being “anti-lgbtq”, I’m all ears. But I doubt I will hear a good-faith argument so whatever .


If you were his employee, not employer, you should stfu and do your job or find one where you can be as gay you like. I'm sure you'll fit in at drag shows in San Francisco

He gave a good reason and yeah the alphabet people are super fucking annoying.


Translation: you got nothin’, except that I made a typo. Let me know when you think of something. I’ll wait.


Its been given


Do you deny what he said happens?


My sentiments exactly. The Rainbow Reich have become worse than the Christian Right of the 80s. They make everything and base their whole personality on how gay they are.

First they just wanted to march in St Paddys day parades now they want biological men showing their Wang at a females day spa and if you don't agree you're a bigot.

Well guess I'm a Bigot. I'm sick of these queers


You probably have never taken the time to actually know a LGBTQ person



I live in California there's plenty here

And the nice thing about life is picking and choosing who I want to associate with. Queers, nope

And before you say "homophobic" nah it's not fear its disgust


Lol, you’re probably a Russian bot. Welcome to my spam folder. Adios.


And there it is Russia, Russia, Russia

You're probably a Trans, Black, Disabled orphan with sandy vagina


Yeah, I don't mind being a bigot one bit if that's the way it's going to be today.


I mean he basically killed everyone in his path


Like he does every movie, this one being the director made it a point to put these woke people in the film and for Michael Myers to personify Toxic White Males but I don't think they counted on people like me cheering more for Michael because of it


I don't think it matters that much since they were killed. Usually hollywood will make these people the hero and have some cliche ending involving them. So it could have been a lot worse as far as wokeness goes


They'll make up for it next movie I'm sure of it. 62 year old Jamie Lee Curtis will summon the powers of 1000 Karens with Sandy Vagina, overpower Michael and burn her grandma bra on his corpse


Ha I'm sure theres something similar planned like that sadly. Wouldn't put it past them!


No, it's terrible. Absolutely terrible.

You are also a psychopath. Michael kills everything and anything in his way (except children). He didn't kill those people because they were "woke", LOL! You are a whackjob! Legitimately disturbed.


He even killed kids this movie so you're wrong as usual. Cry more for your woketards


Not terrible....Which means it's great for a Halloween Film...😂


Was better than the last one for sure


The wokeness didn't bother me.It was felt but it didn't feel preachy.I agree with your assessment though.Terrible dialogue and sub plots.I got bored every time they shifted to the hospital stuff.I thought they would use the hospital as an homage to Halloween 2 but it never came into play.The movie would have flowed much better if they had cut 99 percent of the sappy hospital scenes.I loved the Myers stuff and the flashbacks but everything else kind of sucked.


The wokeness didn't bother me since Myers hacked them all up. Could definitely tell they were making The Shape symbolize white rage though.
