I lost it

I watched Boyhood waiting for something to happen. And when it ended I began to sob uncontrollably. I can't explain it but nothing...no piece of art...has ever moved me as this. I miss my dad who died two years ago. I wish I'd simply paid more attention to growing up. I wish I'd treated my parents better when I was a teen and in college.

Thank you, Mr. Linklater, for bringing so many feelings to the fore. *beep* brilliant.


I wish I'd simply paid more attention to growing up.

Oh how true this is. Thank you for sharing your emotions.


My condolances for your loss.
3 year ago my mother passed away and this movie moved me as well, I could really relate with the story.
Wouldn't it be nice to go back in time and do things differently sometimes.
I do think that everybody makes different choices in retrospect, but you were young(er) and didn't have the experiences you have under your belt now.
Don't blame yourself, your parents know you were young and were young themselves.
Life itself teaches you a lot of lessons.
Take care :-)


That's the point about growing up, I guess - you don't realise it's happened until it's already gone...

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
