MovieChat Forums > Boyhood (2014) Discussion > Imagine if Mason had been interesting

Imagine if Mason had been interesting

Maybe played by a kid with the talent of a Haley-Joe Osment, instead of some glowering, smug, lifeless twit. Oh, well, at least his high school girlfriend was cute.


I do wish that the kid who played Mason had at least turned out to be a good actor, yeah. The thing is, he was fairly good when a child in the early part of the film. He was quite "switched on" in the part at first.

But as he aged-up, he showed himself to be a lifeless dud. I guess Linklater dug it because it was "real." 


He was just natural. I didn't have problem with it at all. But maybe it would have been more interesting with someone with a little more charisma.


Lots of superb small, detailed work which accurately portrayed the character. That's why the pro critics, the industry, and an overwhelming number of the general public praised the movie. Only a handful of clueless internet shmoes didn't connect.


Yeah, right.


Most teenage boys nowadays are without personality with all the PC and electronics burning out our brains. Teenage boys were piss and vinegar in my day


Eek...well now you just reminded me of teenage boys in my day too, and I'm going to do a 180 on this topic, ie, welllll....

.....if it came to a choice between hanging out with some of the nasty oiks I had to choose from when I was a teenage girl, to hanging out with boring but gentle Mason....I'd have to pick Mason. At least he's chill and not some little psycho. 


Okay, it was when Mason was around 14-15 and got that Lulu hairstyle he wasn't nearly as likable. It went up until around his senior year. When he and his dad are together and he's getting ready for college, he's matured up more and added a little more personality.


Most teenage boys nowadays are without personality with all the PC and electronics burning out our brains. Teenage boys were piss and vinegar in my day

Mason eventually found his calling in photography though. He remained a quiet person but certainly, ultimately, a purposeful one.


I thought the actor did a wonderful job. Very believable, given the character.
