Mason taking drugs
I know that there are teens who take drugs, so I'm not saying it is unrealistic to show Mason smoking pot just before his 15th birthday and then accepting a pot/hash brownie when he starts university.
But I am curious as to why Mason as an individual takes them. Are we meant to understand why? It is never elaborated on. Perhaps it is his unstable family background, or the type of people he mixes with? Is he trying to fit in, or fill an empty hole in his life? Or does he just think it's cool?
Although I liked the film overall, watching things like the drug-taking make me feel sad. I know it's not meant to be a film with a moral story, but for all we know nobody warns Mason about the dangers of taking drugs, and he never seems to think about it too.
Of course these are just assumptions on my part. But I'm kind of frustrated as to why we're left guessing, and also concerned that as the film doesn't highlight any of the dangers of drug-taking, or show anyone object to drug use, that it is sending out a message to impressionable teens that it's OK to take drugs :-(
Which kind of leads me on to something else....when Mason is an older kid, he seems to choose friends that are not that nice, and his first serious girlfriend, Sheena, turns out to be shallow and bitchy. Whereas he is generally a good guy, less rebellious than his sister, and polite and responsive to his new step mum and her parents, like when they give him a Bible for his birthday even though it's not the type of book he'd normally read.
I feel sorry for him. This may not sound realistic given how the overall story goes, but I would love for him to have friends who are kind-hearted and who have personal qualities that he admires. Maybe this happens at uni, but we only get to see the beginning of that as he has now finished his boyhood. Oh yes, and a girlfriend who loves him for who he is and doesn't mess him about, and who has some depth and strength of character. He deserves it.