So another white man bad, woman strong, black man good interracial couple movie
Yawn, what a tired cliche.
shareYawn, what a tired cliche.
shareway to show your racist card
shareIs there a problem with interracial couples going to the movies?
shareLOL soo fragile. What isnt cliche, white hero, white bad guy, white strong lady, white damsel in distress.
We cant win with you because you predetermined you would be the victim.
Jesus, you are insecure!
shareSo if the black man is the bad one? then is cliche too? But if its a bad white one is cliche also? So any way will be cliche? 🤪😂
Just stop watching movies altogether... 😒
I enjoyed the movie very much and didn’t think of colors or races until now, the only thing I thought was that probably they didn’t need to show off the black actor’s very well-built body 😜, looks like he was modeling at the kitchen scene
Yes, they did need to show off the black guys body.
One thing to point out is the black guy was only a friend. They weren't a couple...not that it would make any difference. And the woman wasn't that strong and made some pretty questionable decisions that made her look like a nut job least until near the end.
I agree
Good movie
If so, I will not pay for it.
They are going to destroy their own business.
What's cliche is this sort of predictable and repetitive whining that's so blatantly indicative of white nationalist/supremacist angst & insecurities.
shareNo, the black man/white woman cliche is meant to hurt feelings and brainwash people.
It has been going on for a long time.
There's never black woman/white guy and certainly never black woman/chinese guy. That's because what we're seeing isn't "diversity" but a racist attempt by Hollywood to create animosity between black and white people.
There is no "black man/white woman cliche". On screen interracial relationships in Holyweird cinema has always disproportionately featured white men/non white women. Outside the circles of white supremacist angst & conspiracy think, the rare occurrence of prominent onscreen interracial relationships between black men & white women is not an issue that's going to create "animosity" with anyone.
shareThe white woman black man thing is a cliche and has been a constant for decades.
You are an idiot if you don't know this from observation. It has been discussed probably a million times on the net.
You're simply repeating the same erroneous statement without backing it up in the slightest. I thought I might have been merely dealing with one of the slow kids but I see now that it's just a full on time wasting troll. I shouldn't have even bothered.
shareIt's weird talking about pop culture to a person who knows nothing about it. You must be extremely sheltered, inattentive, or unintelligent.
THIS has been talked about for decades and continues to show up with no variation.
Lets see... A seven year old cheerios commercial that only degenerate white supremacists freaked out about, a tvtropes page you clearly missed the point of & a random Quora post. I guess that settles it.....
Thanks for showing just how grasping & nonsensical your "argument" is but don't let me keep you from further embarrassing yourself troll
They were the result of random internet searches on the topic.
Get the fuck out of your parent's basement, virgin.
shareStatistically you will find a lot more black man white woman couples than black woman white man ones. Apperently not even black people like black women.