The original post said:
The first 20 minutes are wonderful... unfortunately, the film goes on for an additional 70, mostly devolving into standard cartoon fare, doing a miserable job weaving the content of the opening into the rest of the film
and kelli3 replied:
How do you "weave" a 90 minute story into a 5-minute Saturday morning Nickolodeon cartoon?
Huh? Your reply makes absolutely no sense in terms of logic, context or even facts. First, who wrote anything about "5-minute Saturday morning Nickolodeon cartoons"??? The original message was about "standard cartoon fare," so don't impose your false limitations to justify your point. The original post said nothing about 5 mins or Nickelodeon so he could have been referring to Bambi, The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc -- none of which are on Nickelodeon and all run much longer than 5 mins.
You also need to read carefully and think before posting. Where was anything about weaving a 90 mins story into a 5 min cartoon? What he wrote was almost the opposite. He complained that the movie attempted to weave the first excellent 20 mins into a 90 min movie -- and failed. Weaving small into big, get it? Your post somehow illogically changed it into weaving the big into something smaller.
The original post made perfect sense, even if one disagrees. Your reply, however, shows that you didn't even bother to read the post, much less understood it. Worse, you built an argument based on characterizations he never said, i.e. 5-minute, Saturday, etc. That's intellectual dishonesty,