MovieChat Forums > Black Christmas (2019) Discussion > What is this dumpster fire?

What is this dumpster fire?

I loved the original and the 2006 remake wasn’t too bad, but what the hell is this dumpster fire nonsense? First off, PG-13? The fuck?

I did some research and the director said she “worked extensively to make her vision of Black Christmas as feminist as she could” and "I wanted to make a movie where instead of feeling objectified or watched from a distance, the audience felt seen.”

Which audience is she referring to? Obviously not a wide mixed audience of horror fans, especially one made of 50% males who aren’t looking for sledgehammer social lessons. So I’m assuming she was aiming this at a small niche of women out for revenge against society?

Fine, I’m sure there’s an audience for that, but why derail a classic film, which already had strong female characters (and I am a big fan of strong female characters), to make some airhorn-blasting statement? Make a separate horror film with a totally different title and plot instead.

Only thing I can assume is the director wanted to draw in a large male audience under false pretenses to slap them across the head with some “see what absolute scumbags you are?!!” message. It didn’t work.

Most male audiences will just get irritated and switch channels, if they even bother watching in the first place with the PG-13 rating. So your message is ignored. And the men who are actual scumbags will just laugh it off. It won’t change their attitude or actions. So your message is ignored. Most female horror fans will no doubt be turned off by the heavy handed message too. So your message is ignored.

So that means you’re basically preaching to the converted with the remaining target audience. Again, that’s fine. But, again, don’t take a classic and popular horror film just so you can twist it into some unrecognizable fluff for your personal sermon. It won’t work. And it didn’t based on most of the negative fan and critical reactions I’ve seen.

Make your own film. And use some damn subtlety like other more talented directors do. Subtlety sneaks the message in. Bull horns and sledgehammers drive people away.
