I liked it
Action packed.
what's wrong with liking action?
Why does the "use your brain" card have to be pulled against an action movie? why do people prefer stating how much intellect they have and how little others have, instead of applying that intellect into the enlightened idea that tastes differ?
It's ok to like or dislike something on a raw and unexplainable level and it's ok even still to leave it at that. We don't have to invent nitpicky reasons.
The television has been called an idiot box for as long as it existed.... why is the "no brain required" stated like it's something new?
If I'm in the mood to think hard about a film (arent films meant to take us away from thinking too hard, ya know... an escape?) then i'd watch a documentary. or a mystery thriller.
It was based on a cartoon... were we pushing the "believability button" when we watched the cartoon?
Glancing at the posts there arent any real reasons to hate the movie.... all the reasons are subjective.
bad camera angles bad lighting atrocious acting no continuity
those are reasons.
"flashbacks at odd times" yes agreed... but so what...
"little explanation of weaponry" true... so what? use your imagination...
"awkward reacton to face turning into metal" yes.... his brain was injected with nanomites... and the point was he's just a typical villain in his "this is my true form" moment.
wicked lake
nine dead
teenage caveman
dolly dearest
those are bad movies.....
Channing's acting was good enough and a simple plot isnt the same as no plot.
I had fun.... shame you didnt cause it was a hell of a ride.
you lose -Team America, World Police