Good...But Flawed

I think most people can agree that G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra is better than the entire Transformers trilogy combined. Better plot, more interesting characters, better action. My biggest complaint would have to be Baroness. For most of the movie she is a villain but often thinks about her past with Duke. Close to the end we discover that Rex/The Doctor/Commander has her mind controlled and it shows her remembering a time when she was with Duke. So, did she have her memory when she was under mind control or not? I also didn't like how Commander puts McCullen/Destro under mind control as well. Basically they were saying that they had no choice but to serve him. Don't even get me started on Rex's mask when he becomes Commander. Joseph Gordon-Levitt actually thought THAT looked cool? He had a giant fish bowl on his head. At least Commander actually LOOKS like Commander in the second movie.

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you are forgetting its "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra". means prequel, how things started.
in spider-man 1 he had some lame weird custom and called himself "the human-spider", we also saw the spider and how he became stronger and what he was before. later we see THE "spider-man", the savings only started when he was ready.

same here, in "G.I.Joe TROTC" they tell us the back story of characters, the reasons and how people joined the team.

in G.I.Joe 2 you should expect a battle story.


I don't think you are seeing my point. I know it's an origin story. The explanations for two of the Cobras becoming Cobras, however, was dumb.

If you see a message from me, read my biography first before making a post. Thanks!


He isn't forgetting anything. He's pointing out how dumb this movie is. It's being an origin story has no bearing on how stupid it was.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


He's pointing out how dumb this movie is.

I wasn't actually calling the whole movie dumb. I just think it's dumb that Baroness and Destro are basically forced into joining the Cobras. We see McCullen for the entire movie working with Cobra so once he becomes Destro there's no reason to think he would suddenly betray them and need to be brainwashed.

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I know you weren't. I was just driving home the point to the one who missed it utterly. I agree with you that the need to force Destro and Baroness to be loyal to Cobra Commander was pretty bad. Part of the fun is that Cobra, while all obviously "loyal" to the Commander, are all really in it for themselves and always stabbing one another in the back. This nanomite thing (or whatever they were called) was silly. The ONLY characters they actually did pretty well with are Zartan and Storm Shadow, both of which are in this for their own reasons and not forced. They really ruined the awesome character that is The Baroness by making her a good girl, a sister to Cobra Commander, and Duke's ex girlfriend. I can't think of a worse way to present that character at all, though I will say that Sienna Miller did well in the role. I'd like to have seen her play the Baroness as properly written without the good girl brainwashed baggage. Now Destro was well done in the film for the most part. I didn't hate him being the main bad guy at all, nor did I hate the idea of Cobra rising out of MARS as opposed to MARS simply being an independent associate of sort. But at the end when they reduce Destro to being a mindless drone? Ugh.

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


TheSolarSailor, for the most part, I agree with you. I really don't see an issue with making Baroness the sister of Cobra Commander, actually. The good girl gone bad is another thing, however.

If you see a message from me, read my biography first before making a post. Thanks!


And speaking of Destro, I still can't believe that they opted to turn his head into living metal. What en embarrassing end for an otherwise cool character.

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
