Really Underrated

I just rewatched this, hadn't seen it since 2009

It is a really good fun eye candy "leave your brain at the door" action movie with excellent FX

The chase sequence in paris is just amazing

I think this film is well underrated. I enjoyed it almost as much as Avengers


I totally agree, it's the most underrated movie of 2009.
This movie is fun and slick with great CGI.
People should give this movie a second look.


The baroness Turing good was off the wall though.


I agree. Me and almost everyone I know who has seen this movie liked it. Plus it turned a profit too. I just don't get all the negative criticism.


This was one of the biggest summer surprises of recent years for me. It's a blast. No, it's not particularly smart and the dialogue and acting is mostly corny but there is a certain earnestness to the flick that is really surprising. It knows exactly what it is: A live action cartoon! And why should a freakin' G.I. Joe flick be anything but a live action cartoon? How serious do fans really take this stuff? I mean come on! G.I. Joe is not some serious, character driven, gritty action franchise. I saw enough of the cartoon I love in the film to be happy.
What's really refreshing is how well Sommers handled the action. This thing is packed to the gills with over the top action but it never feels overblown. The film doesn't over stay its welcome and it isn't nearly as indulgent and masturbatory as the Transformers sequels. The action is well choreographed and easy to follow in time and space. There is a pretentious tone to the TF flicks that really pisses me off. I don't hate Bay like most internet dweebs do, but his TF sequels (I enjoy the first film) are just too big, too massive without any sort of cohesion to ground you in the moment. They almost feel like parody's of big action films.

Is G.I. Joe perfect? No, of course not. I really wished Cobra Commander had more to do and a lot of the dialogue and delivery is eye rolling but the film has a certain charm to it. So many big budget flicks like this feel soulless and hollow. This does not. You get the sense that they had a blast making this and it is reflected in the tone of the film. So yes, I think G.I. Joe is massively underrated.


This was the most forgettable action movie I have ever seen.


When a movie starts giving me a headache by vomiting up so much CGI, there's a problem. The script isn't awful, though it has some pretty stupid ideas in it that stretch credibility, such as why Destro needs to steal his own weapons back to arm them, or ruining the Baroness by making her a goody girl who was turned evil by nanites. But the directing is lackluster at best, the action is ridiculous rather than cool, and it tried hard to hide it's inadequacies behind a wall of CGI. I wish film makers would stop hiding behind CGI and get back to actually constructing good stories.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Wow, the first few posters are probably the dumbest *beep* I've even encountered.

If you thought this movie was "good" or that you make an excuse because it's "eye candy", then you should be *beep* executed for being so stupid.

Seriously, you are a poison to humanity.

Go *beep* kill yourself.


Yeah, if you ignore plot holes you could drive a semi through, explosions every 2 minutes to make up for the horrible acting (J Gordon L, why bro?), then yeah, this is Oscar worthy stuff.


Having seen the sequel, I've rated them both the same at 7. However this one was better than I expected, while the new film is worse than expected.

It's not easy making a sensible movie crammed with the vehicles, gear, and bases G.I. Joe fans want in their movie. This one was fun, action packed, and was even the best ninja film of 2009.

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