i liked the movie but gave it a 1 because of the ridiculous relationship between scarlett and ripcord. This was not in any of the comic books or stories so why did they decide to make up this relationship for the movie? Seems contrived and forced in the movie and it stereotypes black men as animals that constantly chase every female.
I hope they see the 5 out of 10 score the movie currently has and never make a sequel or if they do make a sequel return to the gi joe storyline.
"But in an exclusive interview with Blackvoices.com, he dropped quite a spoiler-bomb on us. When asked what were the main differences between the original character and the Ripcord he plays in the movie, he said:
"The main thing is that the character is black in the film. I’ve played a drug addict in ‘Requiem for a Dream,’ a thief in ‘The Ladykillers’ and a white girl in ‘White Chicks,’ so I can play any part. Rachel Nichols is also my romantic interest in the film, which wasn’t part of the cartoon series."
Did…did you catch that? "Rachel Nichols is also my romantic interest in the film…"
Scarlett is pulling his ripcord, folks.
Now this is EXACTLY the kind of needlessly-mucking around that Hollywood tends to do when they get their hands on a beloved franchise. Every G.I. Joe fan knows of the deep and abiding love, the up-and-down rollercoaster that is the relationship between Scarlett and DUKE. DUKE, god damn you. They’re the ones who tend to put their love before their mission, they’re the ones you root for because of it.
So why did they need to seemingly-arbitrarily decide to hand over the relationship to Ripcord?
Look, I understand they need to beef him up. I don’t know about you, but I don’t even remember Ripcord being in the cartoon. In fact, even his action figure was rare. So initially I thought they just threw him in the movie because they needed a ‘wacky sidekick’ character for Duke, they looked at the available roster and said to themselves, ‘Hey, a guy who jumps out of planes is pretty wacky! Let’s pick him!’ Why they didn’t go with Crazylegs I’ll never know.
And y’know what? Fine. I don’t care. I have no affinity one way or another for Ripcord as a character–even though he did have one of the most military-appropriate uniforms of all the original Joes–but when you undermine an aspect of two OTHER characters that we know and love just to add a layer of ‘interest’ to a side-character, that’s when you piss me off."
I was under the impression that Scarlett was mainly paired with Snake Eyes in the comic book series. Some of the alternate G.I.Joe series have her pairing with Duke and I remember the cartoon having the same way but the main comic series pairs her up with Snake Eyes. They even end up getting close to marrying one another a few times.
You know what's weird, is that I was okay with it.
Scarlett is usually paired off with Duke or Snake-Eyes, but this was something unexpected, refreshingly so. I mean, I personally thought was competently done, the tough hot girl falling for the nice guy rookie; it came off as sincere and not really forced or fake or anything.
Granted, maybe someone other than Marlon Wayans could have been picked. But still, I don't see any real issue with Scarlett hooking up with Ripcord.
07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.