MovieChat Forums > My Best Friend's Girl (2008) Discussion > Dumpy ass and no Boobs......WTF???

Dumpy ass and no Boobs......WTF???

Man Kate Hudson has some bad genes. All of her weight is in her ass. She looks like she is in great shape but it looks as if she had Oprah's lypo'd fat injected directly into her ass. Also, I have no idea why she was even wearing a bra in the movie, except to maybe get the PG-13 rating? Trust me, no support is required for those mosquito bites. She is mildly cute but man it sucks for her that she is so bottom heavy. Her ass was NO WAY that gigantic in How to lose a guy, its almost comcial.


I think she's gorgeous, but that dress that they made her wear at the wedding was not at all flattering.

I was LOADED okay!!!!!


I think he is sooo cute. Her bottom is fine. I fear for her career being in this bomb of a movie. She needs to be in a good movie,...quickly before her career is over.



Did not notice her butt but did notice she has no chest at all.

~~~~~~~~~~Say "what" again. Say "what" again! I dare you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Rumor has it that she may have had a little enhancement in that area recently. I personally think she has a rather nice bootay, but you're right about her boobage. She has (had) absolutely nothing up there.


she got a bit of a boob job, but she's pretty much still a walking lumberyard.


Guarantee you Lizzy Caplan is much more impressive NAKED!!!


Well, at least they used a stunt double for the assgrab-shot ;-)


You right OP, she's TERRIBLY ugly and if a girl that looked like her came on to me, I'd turn her away IMMEDIATELY....


NO, not really. She's not the finest Hollywood actress, but she's HOT nevertheless. I'm more of an a$$ man myself, so her "mosquito bites" as someone put it (LOL) don't bug me in the least. As someone stated, the a$$ grab was a butt double, a double that had WAY more booty then Kate, now THAT'S what I'm talking about.

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!
